Correction of crowding teeth in adults, simple approaches. Case report


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Presentation transcript:

Correction of crowding teeth in adults, simple approaches. Case report Doris Mingomataj1, Edlira Baruti2 1Department of Stomatology, Albania University, Tirana, Albania 2Department of Stomatology, American University of Tirana, Albania

Regular Orthodontics Krown Porcelan Veneeres Striping Crowding- Overlapping Teeth Reconturing of tooth Direct Composit Restauration NiTi 0.014 retainer


Backgraund INTRODUCTION: Many patients have slightly crowded or overlapping anterior teeth. There is no doubt that the best way to treat the anterior crowding in the upper and in the lower arches requires the bonding of brackets to the teeth. However, often the adult patients are unable to accept this comprehensive orthodontic procedure. Choosing the correct approach is the most important aspect of the treatment.  The aim of this cases report presentation is to explain different clinical applications, from minor tooth movement by using a 0.014 NiTi at lingual/palatine arches, restorations using bonding, laminate or crowning, to recontouring /striping, extraction or a combination of these procedures, in order to achive correction of the crowded teeth. CASE PRESENTATIONS: We established the most appropriate approach for the potential treatment options thorough evaluation of the patient needs and expectations. This treatment enabled a good tooth alignment in a short period of time and a very good aesthetic in such simple ways. Our results will be presented through different case reports. Keywords: Crowded/ overlapping teeth, adults, different clinical applications, 0.014 Niti wire, simple/short time treatment, aesthetic results

31 Year Male Diagnoza Treatment A. G. Open Bite Super Cl I Missing 13 Before Diagnoza Open Bite Super Cl I Missing 13 Treatment Rasti paraqet nje kafshim te hapur. Per ta realizuar, ky trajtim kerkoi nje analize te detajuar te modeleve te studimit, wax-up it e mock-up.Keshtu be e mundur te vizualizohet masa e korrektimit te defektit, dhe percaktimi i sakte i kritereve te mjekimit. Finalizimi kerkoi aplikimin e veneereve mbi 12, 11, 21, 22, 23 e nje korone 4/5 te permbysur mbi 24, E.max, punime kompoziti mbi 14 e 25 si dhe implant Miss Seven ne regj, 13 pas extraksionit te tij te retinuar. 2 vite me vone rezultati i stabilizuar. After Porcelan laminate veneers Implant at 13 position 4/5 crowns at 14,24, 25 2 years later

M. K. 34 Years Female Treatment time: Diagnosis: Before After Diagnosis: Dissaligned anterior teeth Crowded anterior inferior teeth Treatment: 11, 21, Porcelain laminate veneers Reconturing of lower anterior teeth Trajtimi i rastit u perqendrua ne vendosjen e veneereve mbi 11, 21 e bizotimin e dhembeve anteriore inferiore. Rikontrolli tregon funksion e pamje te mire. Treatment time: 2 weeks Few years later

W. H. 54 Years Male Diagnosis: Treatment: Treatment time: Disaglined theeth Missing teeth Treatment: Endodontics & restaurations Crowns, brige Implant at 36 Treatment time: 3 months Before After

V. S. 28 Vjeç Femer Diagnosis: Treatment: Treatment time: Before After V. S. 28 Vjeç Femer Diagnosis: Anterior crowding teeth Treatment: Direct composite restauration Treatment time: One stop

I. T. 25 Vjeç Femer Diagnoses: Treatment: Treatment time: Anterior crowding teeth Posterior crossbite Oclusale interference 36 Continuos failure of restauration TMD Treatment: Stage I: Direct restoration Fixed prosthodontics Stage II: Orthodontics Insiston per Trajtim Demtim i vazhdueshem i 36 Treatment time: Almost 5 months

I. T. 25 Years Female Aim: Treatment time: Correction of: Posterior crossbite Oclusale interference Stage I: Direct restoration Fixed prosthodontics Demtim i vazhdueshem i 36 Treatment time: 9 days (3 stops) Before After

I. T. 25 Vjeç Femer Orthodontic Stage: Aim: Treatment tjme: Upper NiTi 0.014 retainer TMJ appl at the end Aim: Correction of: Anterior crowding teeth Insiston per trajtim Treatment tjme: Almost 4 months

I. T. Before After

D. S. 26 Year Female Diagnoses: Treatment: Treatment time: Anterior disaglined teeth Oclusale interference TMD Early missing of 36, 46 Treatment: Stage I: Orthodontics Stage II: Direct restoration Fixed prosthodontics Treatment time: Nearly 3 months Before After

D. S. 26 Year Female Treatment: Stage I Direct composit restauration (Lower) Upper Ni Ti 0,014 retainer Fiber reinforced splinting Stage II Fixed prosthodontics Stage I 1) Mbyllje- korigjim i hapsirave te frontaleve poshte me kompozit ---Upper Ni Ti 0,014 retainer --Fiber reinforced Splinting- - normokluzioni--- 2) ura metal porcelan Stage II Before After

D. S. 26 Year Female Before After

L. LL. 30 Year Female Diagnoses: Treatment: Treatment time: Cl. II malocclusion Slight anterior crowding Already treated orthodonticly Treatment: Upper Ni Ti 0,014 retainer Reshape after aglinement TMD appliance Pacientja insiston per trajtim Treatment time: Nearly 3 months (3 stops)

L. LL. 30 Year Female Skaner show that Roots are at the cortical bone so the retreatment with regular orthodontics will cose damages and probably fenestration of korteksit vestibular

L. LL. 30 Year Female Treatment: Treatment time: Upper Ni Ti 0,014 retainer Reshape after aglinement TMD appliance Treatment time: Nearly 3 months 3 stops Before After

L. B. 35 Years Male Treatment time: Diagnosis: 12 – infraocclusal position Incisal interferences Treatment: Intrusion of 12 using: NiTi 0.014 retainer (Light Forces) Fiber reinforced splinting 20 vjec trajtim me removable appl e kane provokuar severe resorption of entire cortic bon. Pacienti u paraqit me abces palatinal te 12, si rrjedhim I interferences incizale te vazhdushme Treatment time: 1 month 2 stop

L. B. 35 Years Male Before After

E. J. 35 Years Female Treatment time: Diagnosis: Crowded anterior teeth Cl. I molar relationship Treatment: Alignement using: Striping Duble NiTi 0.014 retainer Fiber reinforced splinting Treatment time: 9 months Before

E. J. 35 Years Female After

E. J. 35 Years Female