2014 Spring Registrationwww.dvlacrosse.com How much does DV Lacrosse cost? Registration Fee: $400 Fundraising Amount: $250 (required, option to pay instead of fundraising) Total Cost: $650 (Total does not include US Lacrosse $35 fee or ALL $25 fee described below) Registration Fees and Fundraising pay for association fees, field rentals, coaching stipends, equipment costs, uniforms, practice shirt/shorts, athletic trainers, referees and more. The budget is approved by parents at Booster Club Meetings and is posted on the website. What do I need to do? 1.DV Lacrosse Registration - Click on Registration (upper right) on our website. 2.US Lacrosse – Membership must be valid through 5/31/14 (DV registration will verify your membership and require renewal if needed, cost is $35) 3.ALL Registration – Arizona Lacrosse League requires individual players to register. This must be done after coaches assign teams (D1, D2, JV), cost is $25. Payment Due Dates: (option to pay in full or follow the below payment plan) Registration Fee First Payment - $200 due 1/25 Registration Fee Second Payment - $200 due 2/25 Fundraising - $250 due 3/15 Payment Methods: Registration Website: & click on Registration Linkwww.dvlacrosse.com Mail to: Attn Megan Egan, DV Lacrosse, 3150 E. Desert Broom Way, Phoenix Paypal: Send money to In Person: Board members can accept check or credit cards
Fundraising Options Each player's family is required to fundraise $250 (per player) Not sure how to fundraise? Below are some ideas. Brainstorm with other parents at our Meet & Greet Meeting (1/31). Come to Booster Club Meetings. And/or with Cant fundraise $250 by 3/15? No problem. Fundraise some & pay the rest. The full amount is due 3/15. Too busy to fundraise? You can opt out of fundraising completely by paying the $250 Fundraising Ideas: Lax Vegas – our main fundraiser, this event offers two ways to fundraise (see the following pages for details) Corporate Donations – Check your companys website, ask HR, ask others around you. Many employers have programs to support their employees local nonprofits. Below are some companies who have had programs in the past. JPMorgan Chase Medtronics BP Oil Freeport McMahon Honeywell Roster Cards – Create and laminate roster cards with game schedules; you could even attach to a DV lanyard & sell both at games. This has raised over $250 in the past. Social Nights/Poker Nights - Mix fun & fundraising, get creative
Whats it about? Lax Vegas is a fun night of Dining, Socializing, Casino Games (for fun/prizes) & Silent Auction. This is our major fundraiser of the year. Last year we raised $7,300 ! Partnering with DV Girls Lacrosse, this is a great time to socialize with friends, other lacrosse parents, coaches and meet new friends …..all in the name of DV Lacrosse! How do I earn Fundraising Credit? Invite friends! Tickets are $50, and you will earn $25 in fundraising credit per ticket sold. ($25 is approximately what we make per ticket, after all costs.) Silent Auction Items! Get donations and earn the FULL sold at auction amount. Ex: You and your friend/spouse invite 2 additional couples, raising $150 by selling 6 tickets. You also secure two gift cards and one gift basket from local merchants, which sell for $40, $35 and $55 – thats $130. You exceed your $250 fundraising requirement by raising $280 in just one night! How do I get started? Tell your friends to hold the date - or hand out the flyer (posted on our website). Remind everyone to RSVP early to reserve their tickets (how? see flyer). They should list your name when asked Invited by?. They can pay by check or credit card, in advance (check or Paypal) or at the door. Secure donations - Visit your favorite local merchants. Show them the Lax Vegas Letter to Businesses and ask for Auction donations. You will be surprised how easy this is! Do you have a time share, hotel points, sporting or theatre tickets? Are you crafty? Make something. All of these do really well in the Silent Auction. Check out what sold in previous years for additional ideas. DV Lacrosse 6 th Annual Lax Vegas Fundraiser
benefit Desert Vista Lacrosse 6 th Annual Lax Vega s ! Fundraiser Saturday, Mar 1 7:00pm Join us for an exciting evening of Dining, Casino Games (for prizes) and Silent Auction. Tickets are $50 per person Tickets are $50 per person Includes: Dinner, Drinks, AND $50 in chip vouchers Reserve your ticket TODAY! Its easy, just go online: Lax Vegas Flyer Sample - print from our website (dvlacrosse.com)
Lax Vegas Donation Request Samples - print from our website (dvlacrosse.com) Letter to BusinessesDonation Form & Receipt
2013 Lax Vegas Silent Auction Items IDEAS
2013 Lax Vegas Silent Auction Items IDEAS