INTRODUCTION Clinical exposure is important in teaching field of oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMS) to prepare competent general dentists who can examine, diagnose, surgically treat, and manage diseases and disorders in the oral and maxillofacial region of the human body. A wide variety of problems can be encountered in everyday situation so its important that the students have adequate clinical exposure and experience to manage them. Some of the students did not fulfil the minimum number of clinical procedures during three weeks oral surgery block. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the number and range of clinical procedures completed by 5th year Charles university English parallel students in a three weeks oral surgery block, to compare them with other universities and try to come up with possible solutions to help students fulfil the minimum number of procedures required.
METHOD Questionnaire The work comprised a retrospective audit of clinical logbooks for all 10 students of the 5th year through their 3 weeks oral surgery block and 5 students of different universities through their overall clinical exposure in their respective universities. Observation-13 students including 2 Erasmus students were divided into 3 groups. Each group took turn for one week in ambulance(out- patient), one week in surgical theatres and one week in the in-patient department. The 2 days of the last week (Thursday and Friday) were state holidays so students did not go to school.
Number and types of operations seen and assisted on during 5th year oral surgery block rotation. Name: questionnaire Type of operation number Examination of a patient Ordinary extraction of a tooth Infiltration anaesthesia Nerve block anasthesia Assistance in dentoalveolar surgeries (surgical extractions, biopsy, OAC closure e.t.c) Treatment of bleeding after extraction Intra/extra oral incision Taking medical history Assistance at operating theatres suturing Interpretation of intra/extraoral x-rays and CT Others, specify (observed!!)
As compared to Charles university the organisation of clinical exposure is different. Students of Universidad europea de madrid, CEU and Rey Juan carlos university (Spain) start seeing patients in their third year of studies. They then continue to see the same patients for the rest of their study programme. Each student is assigned a certain number of patients to which she/he would be their dentist through out the study programme. Students of university Claude Bernard Lyon (France) start to see random patients in their third year of studies. Everyday they have lessons then clinicals for the remainder of two years of their.
STRENGTHS VS WEAKNESSES OF CHARLES UNIVERSITY ORGANISATION STRENGHTHS outpatient- students have to ask the doctors on duty for permission to work with them and its entirely up to them to allow students to do some procedures. There is no one to oversee the work of students in the out patient department. To do some procedures depends entirely on luck as patients are not scheduled for any specific kind of treatment. Limited time The organisation of the surgical theatres- students are written down in the operation plan, get to see the operations and there is enough operations for all students to assist on. There was enough patients for the admission papers. Each student was given 2-3 rooms full of patients. There is a doctor to oversee students carry out patient consultation in the in-patient department. Remainder of time after inpatient department was used for outpatient department.
Suggestions/possible solutions Doctors in the outpatient department should be briefed and encouraged to help out students to meet their minimum number of clinical procedures. More time should be given to the outpatient department as most of the clinical procedures are attained there. Schedule patients for specific kind of treatment to be carried out by students (e.g poliklinika).
DISCUSSION The results show that Charles university have the lowest average number of but a wide variety of procedures as compared to other universities. This is probably due to the different amount of time spent doing clinical. It has been a problem over the years for some students to attain the required number of procedures.
CONCLUSION As mentioned in the weaknesses, certain improvements have to made to see that students acquire enough experience and confidence to carry out clinical procedure in their future place of work. Create more time and organise specific doctor/s to oversee that students acquire enough clinical experience especially at the outpatient department. Schedule patients for specific kind of treatment to be treated by students.