The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia BELONGING, BEING & BECOMING Produced by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations for the Council of Australian Governments. © Commonwealth of Australia 2009
Vision of Council of Australian Governments “All children have the best start in life to create a better future for themselves and for the nation.” 1 supports Goal 2 of the Melbourne Declaration on Education Goals for Young Australians 2, that: All young Australians become: • Successful learners • Confident and creative individuals • Active and informed citizens. 1 Investing in the Early Years - a National Early Childhood Development Strategy, Council of Australian Governments 2 On 5 December 2008, State, Territory and Commonwealth Ministers of Education meeting as the Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs, released the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians.
A VISION FOR CHILDREN’S LEARNING All children experience learning that is engaging and builds success for life. belonging, being and becoming. relationships - crucial to a sense of belonging a time to be, to seek and make meaning becoming reflects the process of rapid and significant change that occurs in the early years as young children learn and grow
Learning Outcomes: • Children have a strong sense of identity • Children are connected with and contribute to their world • Children have a strong sense of wellbeing • Children are confident and involved learners • Children are effective communicators.
ELEMENTS OF THE FRAMEWORK children’s learning at the core three inter-related elements: Principles, Practice Learning Outcomes
CHILDREN’S LEARNING dynamic, complex and holistic. Physical, social, emotional, personal, spiritual, creative, cognitive and linguistic aspects of learning are all intricately interwoven and interrelated. actively construct their own understandings and contribute to others’ learning. recognise their agency, capacity to initiate and lead learning right to participate in decisions
Play is a context for learning that: • allows for the expression of personality and uniqueness • enhances dispositions such as curiosity and creativity • enables children to make connections between prior experiences and new learning • assists children to develop relationships and concepts • stimulates a sense of wellbeing.
Learning through play opportunities to learn discover, create, improvise and imagine create social groups, test ideas, challenge thinking, build new understandings. supportive environment - question, solve problems, think critically expand thinking, desire to know and learn
Play... can promote positive dispositions towards learning. enables them to simply enjoy being.
Early childhood educators engage in sustained shared conversations extend their thinking 5 provide a balance create learning environments that encourage children to explore, solve problems, create and construct interact to build attachment routines and play experiences spontaneous teachable moments promote and model positive ways to relate to others inclusion help children to recognise unfairness offer constructive ways to build caring, fair and inclusive learning community. 5 Siraj-Blatchford, I., & Sylva, K. (2004). Researching pedagogy in English pre-schools. British Educational Research Journal, 30(5), 712-730.
Children's Learning active participants and decision makers move beyond pre-conceived expectations respect and work with each child’s unique qualities and abilities. Children thrive when families and educators work together in partnership to support young children’s learning.
Our task To facilitate this collaboration with and support from families through:- communicating to parents and the community the importance of play in child development the types of play that contribute to specific areas of child development What happens at Nakara Pre School specifically
How will we do it? Group task - need to collaborate in decision making and on the task Use Google Docs 'Document' to collaborate on the group decision making Use Google Docs - 'Presentation' to collaborate and contribute to the final presentation. Print and laminate charts & book of presentation. Make Power Point slide show from presentation. Give all to school on 24/6 Write up an individual evaluation
Group Decision Making P1 Identification and discussion of factors involved in problem-solving related to the health and well-being of children. types of play development & play - what does play do Nakara pre-school program - opportunities and restrictions EYLF - what is the main message for this task
Group Decision Making P2 Decision-making about problem-solving and implementation strategies. what exactly will be produced what will be included how it will be set out how information will be gathered what are the tasks what are the timelines who will do what