What does printing a thesis, scientific publication or book entail?
What you need to print a thesis? Lay-out of thesis How to make a correct digital file Deliver manuscript to PPI Specifications of thesis Printproof and approval for printing Printing process and delivery Why PPI?
Lay-out of thesis Fonts Margins Line spacing Headers and footers Position page numbers ISBN
How to make a correct digital file Points of attention: Embedded fonts CMYK and RGB Bleeding Resolution
Deliver manuscript to PPI File format: Inside: PDF file or Postscript Cover: QuarkXpress, Photoshop, Corel Draw, InDesign, Illustrator, in consultation with PPI (templates on website)
Online tool to lay out cover No access or experience with graphic software Upload pictures, insert text, etc. For free, on your computer!
Delivery specifications in information booklet and on Internet Helpdesk Digital Doctor: Extra service Safety.net, check your files 24 hours a day Deliver manuscript to PPI
Embedded fonts CMYK or RGB Resolution Greyscale Safetynet.ppi.nl
Off-set printing, Digital off-set and POD Printing inside and cover Type of paper for inside and cover Binding methods Laminate Extra options Specifications of printing
Printing options Off-set printing –From 150 copies, perfect quality, many types of paper Digital off-set –From 1 till 200 copies, quality good, perfect full- colour options Printing on Demand (POD) –From 1 till 200 copies, quality less, less types of paper
Printing inside 1/1 double sided black Full-colour pages Pages with spot colour
Printing cover Your cover can be printed in: Full-colour C(yaan), Y(ellow), M(agenta) and blac(K) (P)antone (M)atching (S)ystem: the Pantone CV colours
Type of paper Chosing the type of paper depends on the: Readibility Colour Quality Type of binding
Binding methods Options: Milled-glued (5 +5 working days) Sewn-glued ( working days) Hardcover
Laminate Gloss Matt
Extra options UV coating Cover with flaps Cover printed as 4/1 Cover printed on special paper
Printproof Cover and bookmark: Full-colour print Inside: A4 print by showing lines of B5 format
Printing process and delivery Milled-glued book: 5 till 6 working days Sewn-glued book: 8 till 9 working days Theses will be send to any address in the Netherlands
Why PPI? Off-set printing and digital off-set Full-colour options Appointment if needed Faster printing process Service Experience
Why PPI? The most important: If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us!
List of discount If you sign in on our collectivity list you will get a discount of up to 12,5% on our main price!
Questions? Thank you for your interest!