Faculty/Staff Library Orientation Collections Collections Print collections are maintained on each Moultrie Technical College campus. Additionally, we maintain cooperative agreements with some local public libraries and with other area college libraries. These collections can be accessed through Interlibrary loan. In addition to our print collection our patrons have access to encyclopedias, dictionaries, almanacs, periodical databases, and approximately 16,362 e- books through GALILEO. These, along with other subscription base electronic tools, ensure that our patrons have access to the most current information available.
Resources Many resources are available on our web page and through our Library Catalog. GALILEO is the gateway to databases, to some full-text articles, and to e- books. It is available on-campus and off-campus. Contact us to get the password for off-campus access and bookmark this site to use as your gateway to the Internet.web page atalog. GALILEO The GALILEO Tutorial will assist you in learning how to effectively use this resource.GALILEO Tutorial Faculty/Staff Library Orientation
Services Reference Information Literacy Instruction MTC ID Card Circulation (Access Services) Interlibrary Loan Document Delivery Copying Faculty/Staff Library Orientation
Services Faculty/Staff Library Orientation Reference Services The MTC libraries offer in-class and one-on-one research help. We also have tutorials available on our webpage.tutorials Citing sources is a important part of research. GALILEO contains links to info about How To Cite resources in a bibliography.How To Cite resources in a bibliography.
Services Faculty/Staff Library Orientation Information Literacy Faculty can request library instruction by filling out a Library Instruction Form. These can be obtained from the library or can be accessed through the link on the library webpage. Library instruction can cover a wide range of topics including library tours and orientations, using GALILEO, citing research, conducting research and more.
Services Faculty/Staff Library Orientation ID Card Services The MTC ID Card is issued by the library and serves as your library card. Faculty and staff can obtain a card by stopping by the library. If you would like to bring your whole class to the library at one time to obtain their IDs you can contact the librarian to set up a time. A library card is required to use the computers in the library and to borrow books and other material from the library.
Services Faculty/Staff Library Orientation Patrons MTC libraries are open for use to all currently enrolled students, faculty, staff, and area residents. The circulation of materials is available to currently enrolled students, faculty, staff, and area residents. Distance learners should contact the staff to get assistance in activating their library privileges and to obtain the GALILEO password. Distance learners can obtain library materials through our document delivery service, which sends materials directly to their home. Items will be sent by the appropriate method to ensure a speedy delivery. Items that may be obtained from an area library will not be sent.
Services Faculty/Staff Library Orientation The Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Service provides for the borrowing of resources from around the world. ~Document Delivery provides for the intercampus loan of materials and for the delivery of resources to the homes of distance learners. ~Interlibrary Loan is used to obtain materials that are not owned by us. Copying Services- The no charge photocopying of class related materials is a service that is available to all students. There is a charge to laminate and to make color copies. We do adhere to the copyright law.
Ways To Use The Library Faculty/Staff Library Orientation Send your students to us for research help. We can: Determine the best tools to help them. Guide them on using the web. Help them find reliable information on their topic. You are our experts for the subjects that you teach. We need your help to develop the collections by making acquisition suggestions, web site links suggestions, etc. Stop by to view Library Thematic Displays Use Study Areas to tutor students Use the Reserve Collection services Schedule a classroom visit
Contact Us Faculty/Staff Library Orientation Udella Spicer, Director : Priscilla Hunter, Librarian: Brenda Sellers, Librarian: MTC Library Web page is located at: Telephone: : Veterans Parkway Campus (Moultrie) : Tifton Campus : Industrial Drive Campus (Moultrie) Information is our business. Contact us!