Unit 18 Lesson 1 What is Beauty?
Look at the pictures. Do you think the people in the photos are beautiful?
2. Everyone has different views on what is Beauty. 3. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Which of the following idiom is closest to its meaning? A. Beauty is only skin-deep. B. Birds of a feather flock together. C. The eyes of love are blind.
Can you find out any Chinese equivalents to the expression? A.,. B.,. C..
Woolen carpet Woolen glove
Fast-reading 1.Why do we say beauty is in the eye of the beholder? There was no consistent view on beauty. Standards of beauty change across time and cultural groups.
2. How many kinds of beauty are there? What are they? Two. Physical beauty and inner beauty.
Physical Beauty How many factors influence peoples perceptions of beauty? What are they? three. time, culture and society
Intensive-reading Physical Beauty 1.In 19th century Europe, women would wear woolen shawls across their shoulders.shawls 2. Nowadays, tattoos are used to mark criminals.tattoos F F
3. In some countries, young women follow slimming diets to lose extra kilos to prepare for their wedding day. 4. The human race would die out if we perceived physical beauty in the same way. T T
Finish Exercise3 1. Never changing consistent 2. made of wool woolen 3. fat overweight 4. responsibility or promise commitment 5. disappear or stop existing completely die out
6. go together with accompany 7. a variety of a wide range of 8. a personal view or opinion subjective 9. part of a situation dimension
1. Describe one way that standards of beauty have changed with time. In the 19th century Europe, women used to wear corsets to achieve a body shape that is no longer considered healthy. Read the text again and answer the questions.
2. According to the writer, what three things influence peoples ideas of beauty? They are society, time and culture. 3. How are tattoos seen nowadays compared to the past? They are seen as a form of body art.
4. Why does the writer think that the human race would die out if we all saw physical beauty in the same way? Because the survival of society itself rely on people seeing beauty in difference and depth.
5. Why is inner beauty more difficult to determine than physical beauty? Because inner beauty is found in all sorts of personality character traits.
Artificial Beauty
Click the following website to know something about artificial beauty and then v oice your opinion. What do you think of artificial beauty ( )? Is it necessary to become more beautiful by operation? Why?
Do you find any true beauty in our real life? Can you give some examples? True beauty in real life
Can you work out the main structure of the whole passage? Introduction Argumentation Summary