Greek Art, Architecture, and Theater BIG IDEA! Presents the universal ideal of beauty through logic, order, reason and moderation.
Bellringer In your sketchbook, describe Contropposto and draw an example of a sculpture that clearly uses contropposto.
Stations 20 minutes at each station. Each station has two parts: –Answer all of the questions from the article at your station. –Complete the art activity. Your station must be clean at the conclusion of the time!
Time Remaining: Presents the universal ideal of beauty through logic, order, reason and moderation.
Time Remaining: Presents the universal ideal of beauty through logic, order, reason and moderation.
Time Remaining: Presents the universal ideal of beauty through logic, order, reason and moderation.
Exit Slip: Use your notes to help you answer these questions. Half sheet of paper. 1) What are major characteristics of art, architecture, and theater did the Greeks believe made a product beautiful? You need to state all characteristics. 2) This term is used to figure out the story in a piece of art work. It involves thinking about time, place, and ideas. 3) This term means An extended orchestral introduction to an opera, ballet, or similar type of musical presentation. 4) What style of dance uses minimalist costumes and often no shoes. 5) The untying of the plot or the resolution of the play is the what? 6) What term refers to a projecting structure for support to give stability to load-bearing walls? 7) Name the basic structures of a Hindu Temple. 8) What shape is the pagoda of the Liurong Temple? 9) How is a Chinese scroll painting meant to be viewed? 10) What does a Kabuki play rely on to tell a story?