The Search for the Lost S.S. Beauty (S.S. = sentence structure) Lets Find It!!
The Four Types of Sentence Structure Simple Compound Complex Compound Complex
Simple Sentence Has one Independent Clause (I.C.) Examples –Mr. Mikulak has long hair. –Mr. Mikulak and Mr. Bradburn taught together at Bartlett High School. –She is tall, athletic, and intelligent.
Compound Sentences A compound sentence has two I.C.s Basically, a compound sentence is two simple sentences that are joined. They are joined by the FANBOYS and ;
What the Hay are FANBOYS? Good question!! The FANBOYS are the only words that can join two independent clauses. They are: For, And, Nor… Can you guess the rest? Dont forget the semicolon!
So, Back to the Compound Sentence A compound sentence has 2 I.C.s joined by a FANBOYS; word Examples –You are learning a lot, but there is always more to learn! –She is struggling in class, for she chooses not to do her homework. –English is my favorite class, and I love grammar the most!
Complex Sentences A complex sentence has 1 I.C. and 1 D.C. Examples –Although the food was cold, it was still mighty tasty!! –Since he is practically married, she doesnt have much of a chance. –Because they are broke, problems are bound to surface. –They had their first smooch after they danced! Remember: A D.C. has a subject and verb but cannot stand alone
Compound-Complex Sentence A compound-complex sentence has 2 I.C.s and 1+ D.C.s Examples –Although she dominates the court, she still has to improve her relational life, and she thinks she should start at home. –When my parents were in Africa, they worked with a bishop, and he was their main contact.
So, now I know about the four types of sentences, but why do I have to know this stuff? Because your writing is immature Because I expect you to write maturely Because you want to be a better writer Because I said so :) Any questions?
We have now found the S.S. Beauty So, lets use beautiful sentence structure in all our assignments. Seeing that I now know various sentence structures, I will use them in my papers. If not, I might see vary sentence structure (V.S.S.) written in the margins of my written madness.