She Walks In Beauty Lord Byron
A Scandalous and Rebellious Lifestyle He had a relationship with his half-sister, Augusta. She gave birth to Byrons daughter. He married Annabelle Milbanke in 1815 but she left him because the rumours of his incest was increasing. Byron was a ladies man. He was an international celebrity of his time. Byrons poetry was widely condemned on the moral grounds, and was frequently attacked by critics.
In pairs Come up with five questions on the poem
Look at the poem in your groups Subject Structure Purpose Language Emotions Imagery Craftsmanship Movement Summary Sounds
Poetry Analysis Look at the poem in detail using the analysis worksheet. This should be several pages long, look at the subsections fully.
What to look for in the essay Reference to the question Use of P.E.A.R Reference to theme
Todays Lesson Essay feedback Use of PLPs Beginning annotation of She Walks in Beauty Questions on the poem.
QUESTIONS ON THE POEM What is taking place in the poem? Comment on the form of the poem. What opposition do you notice in the poem? How is this effective? In what ways is the woman described as beautiful? What are possible themes of the poem? Comment on an example of alliteration from the poem. Comment on the poems use of personification.
Essay Question Choose a poem in which contrast is important in developing theme. Explore the poets use of contrast and show why it is important in developing a key theme of the poem. Answers to questions on poetry should address relevantly the central concern(s)/theme(s) of the text(s) and be supported by reference to appropriate poetic techniques such as: imagery, verse form, structure, mood, tone, sound, rhythm, rhyme, characterisation, contrast, setting, symbolism, word choice...
Holiday Homework Complete your essay on Byrons She Walks in Beauty Come up with a discursive writing topic and write 500 words on it