based on the American version. eight beautiful women and eight geeky men. The female contestants on the show reflect no intellect and they rely primarily on their looks. The males contestants are a huge contrast as they possess not social skills, however, are academically gifted. The beauties are paired up with a geek and they both play for a prize of $100,000. In order to win the grand prize the contestants must participate and ultimately win the challenges set out for them. Beauty and the Geek classify as a reality television show for many reasons. The show comprises of real life people. All contestants are required to be themselves and the only scripted aspects of the show are the challenges and what the host says. The environment of the show is controlled by the producers, as are the contestants.
Beauty and the Geek is: Constantly changing and evolving as it has new characters each season and new challenges each round. Developed from a local level to a national level and then ultimately a global level (America Australia) Allows consumers to have widespread access to it i.e. internet, television, cable, free to air television etc. Is associated with commercial products e.g. DVDs of the each season. Not only is Beauty and the Geek a reality television show, it also adheres to the distinguishing features of popular culture.
The pattern of consumption -generally targeted at a younger age group because the participants are younger i.e. generation y -female audience majority= * a dating show * Contrasts in the women and men create entertainment Beauty and the Geek can relate to the lives of many people. Living in a society where younger generations are bombarded with expectations of the media, Beauty and the Geek attempts to reassure people of their better qualities.
The show is a social experiment, that aims to break the norms and stereotypes in society about masculinity and femininity. The geeks are..socially challenged guys, and the beauties are, more looks then book, Aimed to turn the geeks into Social success stories and the beauties to be more than just a pretty face. themes of power and empowerment The beauties illustrated acts of power and dominance. Geeks attempt to teach the beauties that not everything is about looks.
Persons and Social environment: Beauty and the Geek is a social experiment which examines the interactions between the stereotypical beautiful girl and a nerd. Most of these stereotypes are present at workplaces and social settings across these groups usually would not interact due to the differences in social norms and values. This series hopes to merge this gap change societal viewpoints. It encourages interaction between various sub cultures and individuals.
Culture: This series is a representation of Australian norms, social expectations and values. The continuing stereotype that beautiful women are ditzy, dumb and uneducated is reinforced in this series. For example, a female contestant on the show states that she hopes that she doesnt need a job and that she hopes her looks will support her for the next 10-15years. The idea that intelligent people are limited in social skills. This highlights the notion that females still rely on men to support and finance them and women should maintain their appearance is not a concept that has remained during the 1950s of the picturesque housewife.
Technology: Highlights the limitations of advancing telecommunication technology is having on the way people interact. These devices which are created for communication are ironically creating anti social behaviour as evident by the tech-savvy geeks who are unable to speak to the opposite sex, nervous in large crowds and do not know how to behave in irregular social environments.