September 3, 2013 week
Sacred Writing Slides sacred writing slide for today
Tuesday (long periods 1 st and 4 th ): My Two Brains project due today (call roll, bring it up) Library Orientation Day 25-cent word Bookmarks -Due in two weeks-9/16 When we come back… **25-cent word: Objective (adj) containing no personal opinion** – Review Story Pyramid: Will write according to this Review Story Pyramid – View The Twighlight Zone, Season 2, Episode 6 View The Twighlight Zone, Season 2, Episode 6 Eye of the Beholder * We will be writing a summary of this episode tomorrow (Informational writing: Objective Summary)
Tuesday (short periods 2,3, &6) My Two Brains project due today (except 6 th ) Library Orientation Day Bookmarks (discuss)-Due in 2 weeks-(9/16/13) – 25 cent word/part of speech/definition My 2 Brains Project prewriting for 6 th
Wednesday Long period: 2 complete objective summary (Informative text) **25-cent word: Objective (adj) containing no personal opinion** – View the Story Pyramid/Discuss View the Story Pyramid/Discuss – View The Twighlight Zone, Season 2, Episode 6 View The Twighlight Zone, Season 2, Episode 6 Eye of the Beholder -Fill in story pyramid: Together (Introduce concept/Review model p. lx-lxi)
Wednesday: Short Periods (1, 4) Writing an Objective Summary **25-cent word: Objective (adj) containing no personal opinion** (Introduce concept/Review model p. lx-lxi) Write objective summary according to the story pyramid (at least 3 sentences in each paragraph) Paragraph 1: Exposition Paragraph 2: Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action Paragraph 3: Resolution
Wednesday short periods 3&6 handwriting sample (in Cursive) Bookmark discussion 6 th : project examples/materials DUE: Monday, September 9th
Thursday (long periods 3 & 6) – View the Story Pyramid/DiscussStory Pyramid/Discuss – View The Twighlight Zone, Season 2, Episode 6Twighlight Zone, Season 2, Episode 6 Eye of the Beholder -Fill in Story Pyramid together (on elmo) (Introduce concept/Review model p. lx-lxi)
Thursday Short periods 1, 2, 4 Discuss objective summary Write objective summary according to story pyramid Share… – Let someone else hear your summary – Do you hear opinions? – Is it in chronological order? – Does it have an Exposition, middle, and Resolution?
Friday Writing Workshop periods 1, 2, 4 What is Beauty? First, answer these (write your answers) 1.Define beauty… 2.How is beauty identified; how do you know when you see it? 3.Spiritual beauty means… 4.Physical beauty means… 5.Who is the most beautiful male/female alive today, in your opinion? 6.What is the basis for your answer to number 5?
Now… Use your answers to form a perfect paragraph. Rules: Introduce the topic of beauty in an interesting way…with a question, or a wise saying, or something else. Write 4 well-thought-out sentences about beauty (use your answers to the slide before) Do NOT use the words I think… Write a 5 th, concluding sentence to sum it all up.
Friday writing workshop periods 3,6 complete objective summary (Informative text) **25-cent word: Objective (adj) containing no personal opinion** Write objective summary according to the story pyramid (at least 3 sentences in each paragraph) Paragraph 1: Exposition Paragraph 2: Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action Paragraph 3: Resolution