Effects of Media Images on Self Esteem Alyssa Zaid Nickolas Bliznoff Chastity Cox Hanover College
Introduction Media portrayals of beauty have a negative influence on self-esteem, particularly in young women (Penton-Voak, 2008) Meta-analysis of females (Van den Berg, et. al, 2007) Males and Females with no effect on males(Groesz, Levine & Murnen, 2002)
Introduction Males and females are more self conscious about their body due to attractive images in the media, such as magazine and television images portraying beauty (Kates, 2008) Ideal attractiveness and body image in women are defined differently for females than for males (Wasserman, 2006).
Hypothesis People commonly rate their self esteem differently after viewing particular images Self esteem levels decrease after viewing attractive images Increase after viewing unattractive images And stay constant after viewing neutral images (Agliata, 2004)
Expected results
Participants Convenience Sample Participants: 9 Males (31%), 20 Females (62%) Ages: Majority Caucasian (93%) 7 % African American Hanover College Students
Materials and Procedure Two 15-item self-esteem questionnaires on a Likert scale from 1-6, where 1 was strongly disagree and 6 was strongly agree 20 images for each condition (attractive, unattractive, neutral) A questionnaire rating each image on trustworthiness (1-6 scale) LCD projector with images shown Two questionnaires were not identical
Sample of Images Shown
Discussion Hypothesis was not supported All participants self esteem decreased in post test More self consciously aware Possibility that it was not due to images shown, but questionnaire design Definition of attractiveness
Limitations Homogeneous sample More non-athletes More males Limited time frame between Images shown Generally unknown models
Limitations Rated on trustworthiness Rate on how attractive they believe the image is Social pressure- presence of others Other factors contributing to participants view of attractiveness Test specificity
Future Direction Factors that change self esteem levels Besides body weight Larger sample A more extensive and detailed questionnaire Sex differences Have more male participants Heterogeneous sample