H EAVY F LAVOR AT ATLAS & CMS 23 RD R ENCONTRES DE B LOIS 29/5-2/6/2011 Erez Etzion Tel-Aviv University For the ATLAS & CMS Collaborations.


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Presentation transcript:

H EAVY F LAVOR AT ATLAS & CMS 23 RD R ENCONTRES DE B LOIS 29/5-2/6/2011 Erez Etzion Tel-Aviv University For the ATLAS & CMS Collaborations

Early Heavy Flavor LHC Sizable samples available from early data. b quark – A key ingredient for signals and background to various analyses. Quarkonia, a calibration test bed – Align/calibrate/monitor trigger & detector. HF Production: tests of perturbative QCD Hadronization: Fragmentation functions, in cc or bb states (low relative velocity of the bound state), test NRQCD approaches. – Precision measurement, search for deviation from the theoretical predictions. New Physics – Decay: Search for indirect hints of NP in rare weak decays, e.g: Non-SM CP violation in – Prob MSSM and other 2HD models and direct BSM searches Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion2Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11

Detectors Precise vertexing and tracking Robust muon triggering and tracking Minimal (dE/dx) k/ separation Tracking: (d 0 ) ~15 m /p T ~1.5x10 -4 p T -3.5x10 -4 p T GeV Muon: /p 1TeV ~10% <100GeV 1-2% p T Threshold (GeV) 1-3 (CMS) ~4 (ATLAS) Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion3

Data (CMS & ATLAS) 7 TeV Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion4 Results shown here are from the 2010 Data only Peak luminosity 2.1x1033 cm -2 s -1 Uncertainty 3-4% Detectors efficiency >94% Already more than 270 pb -1 delivered in So far, max. instantaneous luminosity of ~10 33 cm -2 s pb -1 CMS: Delivered pb -1 Recorded pb fb -1 delivered in 2011

Quarkonium Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion5

J/ production Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion6 CMS:Eur.Phys.J C71(2011) 1575 Data 314 /nb Reconstructing J/ decaying to two muons Cross section determined in p T and y intervals Muon momentum corrected for scale distortion through a fit on invariant mass peak shape Yield corrected for acceptance and efficiency: Acceptance derived from MC using three scenarios: isotropic (unpolarized), polarized along the J/ momentum and polarized along the collision axis Efficiency determined from data (tag & probe) Main systematic uncertainties: Kinematical distributions (<3%) B-hadron fraction (3.1%)

J/ production Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion7 ATLAS: Nucl. Phys B, arXiv: [hep-ex] Data 2.2/pb Measured in 4 rapidity regions: |y| Transverse momentum up to 70 GeV Acceptance from MC Efficiency data (tag & probe) ATLAS MC

J/ Inclusive cross section Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion8 CMS ATLAS

Prompt and non-prompt J/ Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion9 L xy - the B flight distance from the primary vertex (PV) projected on the xy plane was used to calculate pseudo-proper time Pseudo-proper time L xy - the B flight distance from the primary vertex (PV) projected on the xy plane was used to calculate pseudo-proper time Pseudo-proper time µ µ J/ψ d0 L xy. µ µ J/ψ d0 L xy. µ µ J/ψ d0 L xy. Mass and pseudo-proper time are simultaneously fitted to extract the fraction of the non-prompt J/ B fraction of signal Pseudo-proper time PDF Mass PDF

Non-prompt J/ fraction Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion10 CMS ATLAS CDF No strong y dependence Strong p T dependence (10%- 65%p T from <10 to 70 GeV CMS and ATLAS agree with CDF and extend the pT coverage-> no dependence on production energy

J/ cross-section Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion11 Non-prompt J/ CMS ATLAS Prompt J/ CMS ATLAS Good agreement between CMS, ATLAS and LHCb Polarization is a main source of systematics Other sources are primary vertex estimation, lifetime resolution, tracking,

Non-prompt J/ vs Theory Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion12 L xy - the B flight distance from the primary vertex (PV) projected on the xy plane was used to calculate pseudo-proper time Pseudo-proper time L xy - the B flight distance from the primary vertex (PV) projected on the xy plane was used to calculate pseudo-proper time Pseudo-proper time µ µ J/ψ d0 L xy. µ µ J/ψ d0 L xy. CMS ATLAS In general, theory in good agreement with the data.

Prompt J/ vs Theory Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion13 CMS ATLAS Theory shows reasonable agreement with data in shape and normalization, Great progress since last year. Color Evaporation model is getting closer but underestimates at low p T

production CMS : arXiv: [hep-ex], submitted to PRD Reconstructed in di-muons Resolution of ~70 MeV in | |<1 Extract yield simultaneously with ML in p T & y intervals. Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion14 Y(ns) diff. cross-section Y(1s) diff. cross-section Y(ns) cross-section ratios Agrees with Tevatron measurements. Y(3s) Y(2S) increase with p T

Additional states Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion15 L xy - the B flight distance from the primary vertex (PV) projected on the xy plane was used to calculate pseudo-proper time Pseudo-proper time L xy - the B flight distance from the primary vertex (PV) projected on the xy plane was used to calculate pseudo-proper time Pseudo-proper time µ µ J/ψ d0 L xy. µ µ J/ψ d0 L xy. CMS has recently presented first measurement of X(3872)/ [cross section x Br] R=0.087+/ / Separation of c1 / c2 states using the J/ ( ->ee) final state, via novel tracker-based method for low energy conversions reconstruction

b jets Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion16

Identifying bs as jets Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion17 ATLAS 1.Search for b decay vertex: 1.Secondary vertex tagging 2.Calculate the mass of assoc tracks 2.Semiletonic decays 1.B-> X 2.Look at the p T of the muon wrt jet axis 2. Discriminate from b by the distance from the jet axis (larger than udsc). Use p T rel template from MC (data) for b and c (udsg) with signal validated in b-enriched data. Background template combined in the fit CMS 1. Secondary vertex tagging

Inclusive beauty cross section (CMS) Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion18 CMS: JHEP 1103 (2011) 090 σ(pp b Xμ X) = (1.32 ± 0.01(stat.) ± 0.30(syst.) ± 0.15 (lumi.) ) μb σ = ( (scale) ± 0.09(m b ) ± 0.05(pdf) ) μb; σ PYTHIA = 1.9 μb uncertainty dominated by signal and background p T rel shapes

Inclusive b-jet cross section Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion19 Pythia (LL) too high (x2) POWHEG (NLO) fine in absolute Both MC shapes are slightly steeper than data Systematics: Jet energy scale, b-tag efficiency b mis-tag ATLAS-CONF , CMS-PAS-BPH

Inclusive b-jet /jets cross section Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion20 B jets 3.5-5% of all jets Pythia (LL) fine POWHEG (NLO) systematically low, ATLAS-CONF , CMS-PAS-BPH too low at low |y| too high at high |y|

BB correlation Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion21 CMS: JHEP 1103 (2011) 136

Open Charm Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion22

Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion23 L xy - the B flight distance from the primary vertex (PV) projected on the xy plane was used to calculate pseudo-proper time Pseudo-proper time L xy - the B flight distance from the primary vertex (PV) projected on the xy plane was used to calculate pseudo-proper time Pseudo-proper time µ µ J/ψ d0 L xy. µ µ J/ψ d0 L xy. ATLAS-CONF-NOTE At the early runs when collected collisions with Minimum Bias trigger 1.1 /nb OPEN Charm in D and D* mesons

Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion24 MC is lower than the data No distinction between Prompt Ds and Ds from Bs From the J/ we learned that the Bs are OK=> it is probably low charm D* ± D±D±

Exclusive Beauty Production Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion25

Exclusive b meson production Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion26 High bb cross section allows measurements with early LHC data Based on J/ + - Triggering on J/ di-muon Combined fit to the B meson mass and lifetime to reject the background B 0 and B s results obtained over the whole 2010 statistics (39.6 pb -1 )

B + ->J/ K + Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion27

B 0 ->J/ K s Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion28 CMS : arXiv: [hep-ex], accepted by PRL

B s ->J/ Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion29

Summary Calculation of hidden and open HF x-sect at hadron colliders has been long standing challenge for QCD. Until recently, models were not able to reproduce both hidden HF x-sect and polarization. New NRQCD developments agree better with Ύ measurements. There are improved theoretical prediction of open HF cross sections. ATLAS and CMS had very fruitful B/C 2010 physics program using the early low luminosity runs to perform various HF measurements (J/ and Ύ production, inclusive b production, bb angular correlations, open charm, exclusive B +, B 0, B S production). Many results are still on going e.g. quarkonium polarization (essential for theoretical model studies i.e. NRQCD), lifetimes, rare decays, with both 2010 and 2011 data. Wealth of new data will refine theoretical models and improve MC simulation. NLO seems to handle beauty quite well but more delicate for charm (NNLO?) Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion30

B ACKUP Rencontres de Blois, 30/05/11Heavy ATLAS & CMS, E. Etzion31