Microbial flora of giant pandas. Microbial flora of giant pandas. (A) Neighbor-joining tree containing one representative of each of 85 OTUs. Colors represent different phyla: yellow, Clostridia class of Firmicutes; blue, Bacilli class of Firmicutes; purple, Proteobacteria; gray, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, and Acidobacteria. seqs, sequences. All bootstrap values >80% are shown in this tree. (B) Relative abundance of sequences from wild and captive giant panda fecal samples; other Firmicutes belong to the Bacilli class. (C) Percentage of sequences from each fecal sample assigned to different phyla. W1–W7, wild giant panda samples; C1–C8, captive giant panda samples. Numbers below the sample number are total sequences from each individual. Lifeng Zhu et al. PNAS 2011;108:43:17714-17719 ©2011 by National Academy of Sciences