These beautiful lights are formed when Energetic particles from a Solar Storm are released by the sun and travel to earth's atmosphere where they get caught in the earth's magnetic fields. These magnetic fields grab the particles and bring them to the North and South Poles of the earth. When the particles combine with Oxygen (greens and blues) and Nitrogen (reds, purples) gas in the thin upper atmosphere of the polar regions they glow. Greens are the most common and closer to the earth, Reds are usually higher in the sky. Although Auroras happen during the day too - they are only visible at night. Just the opposite of a rainbow. The Northern Lights are called Aurora Borealis and the Southern Lights are called Aurora Australis.
We are going to create a piece of artwork that shows the Aurora Borealis. To be successful you need to listen carefully and follow each direction carefully. You also need to be creative, use your imagination and most of all have fun!
STEP 1: Lightly draw a horizontal line across your paper about 4 or 5 cm from the bottom. Then lightly sketch in the tops of the hills.
Step 2: Next use a grey or light blue pastel to outline the shapes. Leave black space in-between the shapes so you can see them clearly.
Step 3: Fill in the hills and the space below them using light grey, blue or purple. Make sure to leave the black space between the shapes. DON’T DO THE SKY!!!
Step 4: Now the sky! For this you will use the side of a blue chalk pastel. NOT THE OIL!! Then lightly draw some swirls that will guide you in the direction you want your colours to follow.
Use your finger to blend the lower edges of the Aurora. Step 5: Lightly feather in some blues, then purple and finally a little red in the top ones. Add in some light green and yellow to try and get them to glow like the photos. Use your finger to blend the lower edges of the Aurora.
Step 6: Now add stars to your sky. Use a white oil pastel. Make different sized dots and make sure you spread them out evenly over your sky.
Some sample art work Grade One Artists