The British Education System The Education System Is Different In England, Wales, Scotland And Northern Ireland. We Will Focus On The English System.
The British Education System Stage Establishment Age Range Foundation Pre-School 3-5 years KS1 Primary 5-7 years KS2 7-11 years KS3 Secondary 11-14 years KS4 14-16 years KS5/Further Education 6th Form/College 16-18 years Higher Education University 18+ years
The British Education System Foundation stage Age 3-4 Play based curriculum. 3 hours per day provided by state however many children are educated full time at expense to parents for age 3-4 Provided in a range of settings including ‘nursery’ within a primary school or private day nursery. Not compulsory Age 4-5 Full time in 1st year of primary school known as ‘reception’ Still not compulsory but the majority of children start school aged 4 if not before
The British Education System Key stage 1 This stage is compulsory- all children must start school by age 5 but most start aged 4. Learning is more formal including daily literacy and numeracy hours Literacy and numeracy are assessed at the end of key stage using standardised assessment tests (SATs) Children are in classes of no more than 20 children and usually have one teacher for all subjects
The British Education System Key stage 2 Learning is more formal again still with daily literacy and numeracy Children are taught in classes of no more than 30 and usually by one teacher for all subjects. At the end of key stage 2 children may do SATs (but these are no longer compulsory) in English and mathematics
The British Education System Key stage 3 Children are taught in a secondary school where they have specialist teachers for each subject. At the end of key stage 3 children may do SATs (but these are no longer compulsory) in English, mathematics and science
The British Education System Key stage 4 Children are still taught in a secondary school. They take (general certificate of secondary education) GCSE exams in around 10 subjects which must include maths, English and science. At 16 compulsory education ends
The British Education System Key stage 5/ further education Around 70% of students stay in education post 16. Some take a-levels (an academic qualification in preparation for university) Some study vocational subjects (BTEC) at college such as car mechanics, hair and beauty or plumbing. Some do apprenticeships in the workplace
The British Education System University About 45% of all students go to university nationally however this is much higher in some areas and lower in others (i.e. Much lower in the north east of England) Fees are now £9000 per year (to be paid once earning above £20000) However many students go to university then find it hard to get a ‘graduate career’
The British Education System The National Curriculum states the following subjects must be taught from KS1 to KS4 and specifies what should be taught. The Core Subjects Maths English Science Religious Education is also compulsory The Foundation Subjects History Geography Design Technology Modern Foreign Languages Physical Education Music Drama Art Information Communication Technology
The British Education System Over 90% of students are educated in the state education system 7% of students are educated in private schools also known as independent or public schools. These usually follow a very similar curriculum to state schools. Fees range from around £7000 per year to £40000. Students can also be ‘home schooled’ by parents or family members this is rare and accounts for about 3% of students. Students with a disability or a special educational need are identified and usually educated within the usual state system However schools do exist to cater for students with severe SEN or disabilities who cannot be educated in mainstream schools for any reason.