Really more of a drum thing. This is just a blues in the key of C. Wipeout Really more of a drum thing. This is just a blues in the key of C.
Start with the chords. 4/4 ||: C | | | | F | | C | | G | F | C | G : || Memorize these before playing the song. Do them as barre chords not first position chords. Really take you time.
Count (1 2 3) & 4 & 1 2 & 3& 4 & etc. Fingering 3 1 2 3 3 1 33 1 2 8 9 10 Count (1 2 3) & 4 & 1 2 & 3& 4 & etc. Fingering 3 1 2 3 3 1 33 1 2 This is the first 4 bares of this song. All in C. Just repeating the fixture each measure.
The same idea against the F chord
Again repeating the idea on C then for the next G move to 7th position Again repeating the idea on C then for the next G move to 7th position. Back up to 8th position for the F. This closes out the first part then chords are played as short staccato notes on beat 1 of every other measure. This is where the drums take off.
The drum section. Note that the progression is still followed.
This is the guitar solo section This is the guitar solo section. For C it is in the 8th position using lots of double stops. For the first F it is in 1st position. Then back to 8th position for the C, 3rd position for the G, 1st position for the F and then 8th position for the rest of the solo.
Now put it all together.