You are all beautiful and pure ! Immaculate Virgin, heavens of heaven, you are radiant ! Dawn, at your side, seems obscure treasure of great price, perfect and undefiled!
Come to us in your splendour, O Queen. You are our crown, you are our honor ! Come, that our Lord and Saviour might come.
Like a lily that shines among the thorns, thus, you appear among women, O sweetness ! Like Him, up there upon the hills, as white as the snow, You illumines !
O, powerful bearer of hope we run to you in the path of truth. Your fragrance embalms, it is ahead of us, fervour of beauty, holy odour of purity !
The voice that we hear is always new, the voice that the earth hears with delight, the sweet voice that calls us endlessly, This is your loving heart, O sweet turtledove!
The garden is dry, no water in the fountain, But in your bosom Mary, grows the fruit of grace. Outside is colder, and the winter repose, the wind lukewarm and roses already in bloom!