Writings of St. Clare (Taken from The Testament of St. Clare) I bless you during my life and after my death… (St. Clares blessing to her Sisters)
Writings of St. Clare (Second letter of St. Clare to Agnes of Prague) God has filled you with splendour and beauty and sees only goodness in you
Writings of St. Clare (Third letter of St. Clare to Agnes of Prague) Place your mind before the mirror of eternity
Writings of St. Clare (Second letter of St. Clare to Agnes of Prague) Gaze upon the Lord…
Writings of St. Clare (Second letter of St. Clare to Agnes of Prague) I Give Thanks to the Giver of Life…
Writings of St. Clare (Third letter of St. Clare to Agnes of Prague) Cling to His sweet mother who gave birth to a Son whom the Heavens could not contain
Writings of St. Clare (Third letter of St. Clare to Agnes of Prague) Taste the hidden sweetness…
Writings of St. Clare (Process of Canonisation3:20-22) O Lord, may You who have created me, be blessed
Writings of St. Clare (Letter from St. Clare to Ermentrude) Let us pray to God for one another
Writings of St. Clare (Second letter of St. Clare to Agnes of Prague) Go forward secure and with joy on the path of happiness…
Writings of St. Clare (First letter of St. Clare to Agnes of Prague) What a great and praiseworthy exchange: …to choose the things of heaven for the goods of earth…
Writings of St. Clare (Process of Canonisation 3:20-22) Clare spoke gently to her soul… go forth in peace…
Writings of St. Clare (Fourth letter of St. Clare to Agnes of Prague) The King of Angels, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, is laid in a manger
Sisters of St. Clare What you hold, may you always hold, what you do may you always do and never abandon. But with swift pace, light step, unswerving feet go forward…
Since early beginnings (1212) Clares words have been and continue to be gems of inspiration and encouragement.