I mplementation Report
Implementation Report Look at the red arrow leading your eyes to the center, right side, of the screen-double click on the Reports link.
Implementation Report On the Reports screen, double clicking the Implementation Report, second in this list, will lead you to the next screen.
Implementation Report Here, as an SEA team member, you may run an Indistar Implementation report that will allow you to see by, in the dark blue box at the top, selecting the level you want to view - be it district or school and school group (if you chose school level). So, of what value may this type of report offer an SEA team? The first scenario that comes to mind is that this report may help the SEA to determine which indicators schools and/or districts have been focusing on. Of course, a state may have set KEY, high-leverage, or other required indicators and it would be a huge advantage for a state to be able to see across the board, what percento of schools and districts have assessed those indicators. Additionally, you can see what level of implementation they chose. You can also gather information about planning and achieving those indicators. This report used in conjunction with Data Mining could provide some great information to an SEA. By being able to see which indicators schools feel they are doing well on, an SEA could go Data Mine to see what exactly they are doing. Likewise, some indicators may be marked as ‘not a priority’ and it would be of great benefit to see why it was marked as not being a priority. A report of this type may also identify patterns and trends in statewide report Implementation.