Field Management System FMS January 22, 2018 Mark McLeod FIRST Technical Advisor Senior Control System Advisor SBPLI/LI FIRST Development Council Hudson Valley Regional Committee Hauppauge FRC Team 358 Advisor
FMS Overview Administration Match Execution Teams Competing, Match Schedule Generation, Alliance Selection Awards, Reports, database, Web Match Execution Match Ready All Teams & Field Automatic Scoring, Referee Scores/Fouls Team VPN, Match time/modes Rankings, Post Results to Web
Field Network VLAN setup for each team consists only of the Robot, the Driver Station, and the FMS server FMS talks only to the Driver Station to request the mode: Disable, Enable,Teleop, Auto - DS sends status data to FMS Operation is the same as at home. DS commands the robot modes. Field Estops for each team <-->Robot Bridge<-->roboRIO
Allen-Bradley Control & Scoring
Robot Side
Field Connectivity
Troubleshooting Diagnostics Robot Status Lights (RSL, roboRIO, Radio) Driver Station & DS Logs Error files on roboRIO, Console, RIOlog Team Stack Lights, Arena Stack Light Field Status: SCC/Refs/Game Specific/PLC Heartbeats FMS Field Display
Driver Station Diagnostics
Driver Station Logs 50 Hz
Robot Radio Home Setup Competition Setup Robot Radio: AP or Bridge mode DHCP server Options: Firewall, Bandwidth limit Competition Setup Robot Radio: Bridge mode WPA2 -passcode only known to FMS DHCP, 7Mb/s bandwidth limit (or less at some venues), Field firewall
Radio Config Utility/Kiosk Home Utility Event Kiosk
Odds & Ends Usage Reporting Team(Rookie Year) Language/Framework Analog/Digital I/O, Relay, Compressor/Solenoids, Encoders, Gyro, I2C/SPI/RS232 # Joysticks, PID, Tank/Arcade/Custom Drive, Motor Controllers(Victor/Talon/etc) Whenever our robots are connected to FMS they report code usage data
2017 Usage Statistics 3114 – 2017 teams usage statistics were collected from 25,151 - The total number of motor controllers used on 2017 robots 6,296 - The total number of USB input devices used to control those motors 2,045 - Total Encoders used to get feedback from those motors 1,412 - teams that used pneumatics (with the PCM) on their 2017 robot 762 - Digital Outputs used to control non-actuators (lights, sensors, etc.) 1526 - teams programming in Java 1116 - teams programming in LabVIEW 435 - teams programming in C++ 33 - teams programming in Python 1 - teams programming in C# 15 - Analog Outputs used to control non-actuators (sounds, lights, etc.) Data-Anonymized.xlsx
FMS Match Log Data Snapshot at 2Hz Driver Station logs data (50 Hz) plus Bandwidth consumption over the wireless link Strength of the signal transmitted by the robot radio Signal-to-Noise Ratio of the wireless link
Common Field Problems Cannot connect to robot (only pre-match) Venue Bandwidth too saturated (mid-match) Field Power Loss Robots Pre-match: Not turned on, no roboRIO Ethernet cable, radio not programmed for field, Driver Station PC not setup, Wiring Match: power interruption, code crashes, disconnected game controllers
Backup Information Open Ports Common Robot Problems
Ports UDP/TCP 1180 - 1190: Camera Data TCP 1735: SmartDashboard UDP 1130: DS-to-Robot control data UDP 1140: Robot-to-DS status data HTTP 80: Camera/web interface HTTP 443: Camera/web interface (secure) UDP/TCP 554: Real-Time Streaming Protocol for h.264 camera streaming UDP/TCP 5800-5810: Team Use Teams are permitted to utilize ports 5800-5810 for their own purposes, or any other open ports (other than 1130 and 1140) if not already allocated.
Common Robot Problems Robots Lose Connection in Matches All the Time Power Brownout or Interruption, wiring loosens Camera Bandwidth limit cuts off video User code crashes Disconnected/Reconnected Game Controllers Driver Station PC Setup Firewall, excess NICs, Anti-virus, Ethernet port/adapter, PC battery charged/plugged in