SECTION 3. Any person who cuts destroys damages or injures Any kind of naturally growing or planted trees Along in any other public ground or place
shall, be punished with Imprisonment not less than six(6) months not more than two(2) years Fine not less than five hundred (P500) not more than five thousand (P5000) OR or with both such imprisonment and fine at the discretion of the court
Exceptions cutting destroying damaging or injuring Is necessary for public safety or the pruning thereof is necessary to enhance beauty, and only upon the approval of the duly authorized representative of the head of agency or political subdivision having jurisdiction
Terms and conditions: That the cutting/trimming of the subject trees shall be done under the direct Supervision of this Office informing the time and date of activity; That no other trees shall be cut/trim except the above requested trees; That the tree to be cut/trim should not be used or transported outside the Municipality where the trees were cut and if in case otherwise, it should be covered by a Certificate to Transport to be issued by this Office with Self Monitoring Form duly accomplished; That the trees whether planted or naturally growing trees shall be replaced with Two Hundred(200) seedlings of the same species as recommended by this Office (DENR)