LP-BM5–induced increases of cytokine levels in the hind paw skin of B6 mice. LP-BM5–induced increases of cytokine levels in the hind paw skin of B6 mice. Adult B6 mice were randomly assigned to LP-BM5 infection and no-infection groups. The protein levels of IL-6 (A), IFN-γ (B), and IL-1β (C) were measured via FlowCytomix Multiplex assay in time course studies (for each animal, hind paw skin tissue from the left and right sides was pooled together prior to measurement; n = 8 for all). Two-way ANOVA was performed for each data set, with “infection” and “time” as factors. *p < 0.05 between the infected group and the noninfected group at the indicated time, #p < 0.05 between the indicated group and the “no infection wk 0” group, $p < 0.05 between the indicated infected group and the “no infection wk 0” group and all other infected groups. Ling Cao et al. J Immunol 2012;189:3724-3733 Copyright © 2012 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.