The Resurrection of Jesus is the key to the interpretation of Scripture and at the same time of understanding the whole history of Israel. Without the.


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Presentation transcript:

The Resurrection of Jesus is the key to the interpretation of Scripture and at the same time of understanding the whole history of Israel. Without the resurrection of Jesus, the history of Israel ends at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. With the resurrection, it leads to the infinity of God.

The Resurrection of Jesus gives us the key to the intelligence of our universe, and particularly of what interests us in this world, our own destiny.

Paul beautifully describes this universe brought forth by the resurrection of Jesus. "First fruits of those who have fallen asleep, Jesus will present the Kingdom to God the Father, so that "God may be all in all." There will come a day when the universe, and each one of us, seized by the incarnation and transfigured by the Resurrection will enter the glory of God, so that God may be all in all!

And what is the path that we must take to head towards the wonders of this Resurrection? The most simple way: live the life of the risen Christ. The letter to Colossians gives us an Easter homily full of divine candor when it recommends: Since you were resurrected with Christ, look for things that are above, there where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Think about the things that are above, not of things of the earth. Col 3:1-2

On this Easter day, the Risen seems to say: do not prepare yourself for death, but for life! Participate as of now in the fullness of the joy of my resurrection in you! Put on your festal garment, because you will see God, you will live in the new heavens and the new earth. Do not think about the afterlife, as if I was in the afterlife. I am at the heart of your life, at the source where your heart is born! As I called Mary, I am calling you. Come answer me! Your answer is yourself.

Around us you make your spring burst forth to dress our earth in a mantle of flowers. We bless you. Bring forth in the winter of our life the flowers of eternal spring. Risen Christ, hear us!

You make us live in your creation filled with wonders. We bless you. Allow us some day to admire the wonders of the heavens and the new earth. Risen Christ, hear us!

You wake us each morning by your love and give us the grace of a new day. We bless you. When you will close our eyes to the beauty of this world, awaken us to the light of eternal Day. Risen Christ, hear us!

You entered into a covenant with Israel, your chosen people and your love guided her on the path of the Exodus. We bless you. Keep us in the New Covenant of Jesus your Son, and guide us by your love to eternal joy. Risen Christ, hear us!

Risen Christ, you the Living, the firstborn of all who have fallen asleep, we are searching for you among the dead. Call us by our name as you called Mary, and we will follow you into eternity. Amen!

«.... Let us receive the grace of the Resurrection of Christ! Let us be renewed by the mercy of God, let us be loved by Jesus, let the power of His love also transform our lives; let us become instruments of this mercy, channels through which God can irrigate the land, keep all creation and make flourish justice and peace. And so let us ask the resurrected Jesus who transforms death into life, to change hatred into love, vengeance into forgiveness, war into peace. Yes, Christ is our peace and through him we implore peace for the whole world! » With these words of Pope Francis the Sisters Disciples of the Divine Master wish you: A Happy Easter!