City Club 885 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder, Colorado
The City Club is a safe place for passionate and caring people to explore our differences, discover our common ground, and enrich our world while having a good time.
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The City Club is a safe place for passionate and caring people to explore our differences, discover our common ground, and enrich our world while having a good time. passionat e caring caring
The City Club is a safe place for passionate and caring people to explore our differences, discover our common ground, and enrich our world while having a good time. passionat e caring people people
The City Club is a safe place for passionate and caring people to explore our differences, discover our common ground, and enrich our world while having a good time. passionat e caringpeople explor e explore
The City Club is a safe place for passionate and caring people to explore our differences, discover our common ground, and enrich our world while having a good time. explore discove r discove r
The City Club is a safe place for passionate and caring people to explore our differences, discover our common ground, and enrich our world while having a good time. explorediscove r enrich enrich entertain
What stirs your soul? City Club facilitates group activities and club-wide programs designed by members for members with common interests. Members are encouraged to create Affinity Circles that reflect their passions.
What stimulates your senses? City Club offers regular social, educational, cultural and civic programs. Members and their guests are welcome to have lunch at the club every weekday in private or join the community table to participate in Affinity Circles such as the Writer's Table, Health & Spirit, Micro-ventures or the Investment Circle.
Entertain… Situated in the exquisite Historic Highland Building, the City Club's elegant facilities provide an ideal atmosphere for relaxed dining, stimulating conversation or small business meetings. surrounded by beauty.
intimate spaces. Wine Cellar - Professionally stocked, the cellar offers a fine selection of nearly 1500 bottles of wines, port and chocolate. Spa Spa - Enjoy a private massage room, changing area, shower, sauna – members only. Explore… Grounds - Award-winning gardens and a creek-side amphitheatre.
Discover… your hearts desires. City Club programs include… Local/National Politics Poker Night Outdoor Excursions Midlife and Motorcycles International Affairs Investment Circle Travel and Adventure Health and Spirit Art Happy Hour – cheers! Stanley Doctor - Photographer
Enrich… Full membership grants daily access to the City Club facilities, an open invitation to all City Club events, and the opportunity to participate with other members in affinity circles and community activities. Eclectic and occasionally very surprising lunch conversation. The opportunity to brainstorm at Investment Lunch. An inspiring and informative wisdom library. Gourmet lunches 5 days a week. The chance to win some $$ at Poker Night! A place to bring your friends and business cohorts out of the public eye. Some of our members favorites… your time with people who care.
Come join the City Club community. City Club 885 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder, Colorado / Find us on Regular Happy Hours starting every Friday at 5:30 pm. Presentation Design by Michele Bennett-2010