By: Thomas Stanley Billy Arthurs Taylor Certain Dustin Buckner January 2011 Period 5
Tourist Attractions 1. Ice Hotel The Ice Hotel is built every winter when it is colder because its made of snow and ice. People visit it because there interested in staying in the hotel and going to the bar made of ice. Sometimes they get to see animal where they're staying.
2. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has 45 different species of animal, land and marine mammals. Best known animals are polar bear, black bear, grizzly bear, wolf, wolverine, doll sheep etc. It would be fun to see all the animals and the beauty of the land.
3. North Pole Cruise During the cruise you get to go to the North Pole. You get to see different towns on the way plus you stay in the towns for a day or two. Also you get to see different animals. I have never tried this but it seems like a lot of fun.
Location Tundra is mostly located in the Northern Hemisphere. Countries the tundra is located is North America, Europe and Siberia Asia. Much of Alaska and about half of Canada are in the tundra biome. Tundra is also found at the tops of very high mountains elsewhere in the world.
Land And Agriculture uses The type of soil in the tundra is called permafrost. Permafrost is a type of frozen soil. Very few plants grow here but here are some of them grasses, mosses, shrubs and dwarf forms of few trees. This is a picture of the land and its permafrost.
Land and agricultural uses The Tundra land is used for drilling other wise known as getting oil. The land is also used for many tourist attractions. Another thing that the land is used for many lakes, streams, and rivers. This is a image of a stream in the tundra.
Environmental concerns The arctic tundra is changing dramatically due to global warming. Another concern is that the melting of the permafrost is contributing to global warming. About 14% of the earths carbon is tied up in thee permafrost. This is a picture of our earth it resembles carbon and our global warming.
Environmental Concerns Another concern is that animals such as the red fox (southern animal) are starting to move into the arctic tundra. This causes problems with the arctic fox they are competing for food and territory. This is a image of the arctic fox. I chose this image because this is a animal that is competing for food and territory.
Climate In the summer it can get very warm. They are short growing seasons. The temperatures can get low like -60°F and ( -51 ° C ) High temperatures are 50 °F ( 10°C )
Precipitation There is a lot of rain and fog. There is only 10% of rain per year Annual precipitation is very low There are seasons of rain fall Snow accurs in the winter and rain falls in the summer.
About Precipitation And Snow They Get This is a picture of the tundra to show how much snow they get and an animal from the tundra It shows you a picture of how much snow they get. it shows a picture of a bear that would be in the tundra
Types of plants
Plants 1. Willow 2. Grass 3. Lichens 4.Moss 5. Sedges
Animals & Adaptations Animals such the brown bear, caribou, birds, all have thick fur, and long feathers because of the harsh weather.