Masculinity and Femininity: Difference and Gift. MARRIAGE INDIVIDUAL SOCIETY FAMILY.


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Presentation transcript:

Masculinity and Femininity: Difference and Gift


Who are you?


Fix whats broken (wounded) Know thyself

And how do you know this?.....Theology of the Body

To be happy Our hearts are restless until they rest in Him

To love and be loved To know Him love Him and serve Him in this world and be happy with Him forever in the next

The more we use our reason, the more we grow in Faith The deeper our faith, the broader our reason Truth Reason and faith Faith reason MYSTERY

John Paul II reminded us that we can learn about God by learning about our bodies Our faith is incarnational – the Word became flesh and dwelt among us THEOLOGY OF THE BODY

1.What phrase is quoted by saints, pagans and even the Matrix as the first step to spiritual an intellectual maturity 2.Why did God make you? 3.What is Theology of the Body 4.What is JCCHSs motto? QUIZ QUESTIONS SO FAR….

How was creation created? What does the Catholic Church believe about the stories of creation in Genesis? GENESIS

Sistine Chapel - Michaelangelo

St. Peters Basilica Vatican City, Rome

Michelangelo wants To show us the Beauty of God and The relationship between God and man. So he depicts God in the most beautiful image he knows – the human body. Unlike Adam, He is clothed because the fullness of His beauty is veiled to us.

Shame/ concupiscence influences/veils the way we see the body. We cant see as clearly the glory, dignity and beauty of the body – and even more dignified and glorious is the soul

Its a mystery A bee understands and appreciates a flower according to its bee mind; a 3 year old according to a 3 year old mind; a botanist from his perspective, a philosopher from his angle. The flower remains the flower. Reason alone can know that God exists and even some of Gods qualities (omniscient, omnipotent, etc….) Faith allows our reason to expand its perspective.

Our understanding is limited….and so is veiled Faith allows us to see what we cant see. We cant see gravity or love…but we know it is there.

1.What phrase is quoted by saints, pagans and even the Matrix as the first step to spiritual an intellectual maturity 2.Why did God make you? 3.What is Theology of the Body 4.What is JCCHSs motto? 5.Who painted the Creation of Adam? 6.Where is it located? 7.What is a mystery? 8.When choosing to show God in the most beautiful way possible, how did he paint God? 9.What does the Catholic Church say about the story of creation in Genesis? QUIZ QUESTIONS SO FAR….

Michelangelo brings us back to the beginning – looking with eyes after the redemption Adams hand is lifeless – waiting to receive the spark of life the breath of God. Gods hand is full of power – initiative.

2 Cor 12:9 Commercial Break What qualities belong to the ideal person American Perspective 1. Self promotion - facebook Jesus Perspective 1. Humility – choose the lowest place

2 Cor 12:9 Grace ….. My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Memorize it!

Pelegian vs St. Augustine Grace …and heresy I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me

Now back to the story of creation according to Genesis…..

And God saw that it was good… What was the only thing that God said was not good?

As God is creating Adam, he already has in mind Eve

We are made for others

Eve – from the side ( not his head to be above) ( not his feet to be below) from his side – to be his lifes companion Eve will always desire to be close to his heart and under his arm

What is Typology? Where may it be seen here?

Typology - The Church as Bride of Christ Salvatore Dali

Adam – the provider and protector that the Father is – must look to the Father – not depend on himself The lie man suffers – that he needs to figure out himself who he needs to be and what to do Man and woman must both view each other through the eyes of Faith – as God views them

Some theologians conjecture that Eve was taken from the rib covering the heart – because it is part of womans vocation to protect his heart for she has access that no other has. The rib when broken can also damage the heart by piercing it.

1.What phrase is quoted by saints, pagans and even the Matrix as the first step to spiritual an intellectual maturity 2.Why did God make you? 3.What is Theology of the Body 4.What is JCCHSs motto? 5.Who painted the Creation of Adam? 6.Where is it located? 7.What is a mystery? 8.When choosing to show God in the most beautiful way possible, how did he paint God? 9.What does the Catholic Church say about the story of creation in Genesis? Cor 12:9 = 11.Name some opposites in what God values and man values 12.What is the error of Pelegius and what is the Churchs position on grace? 13.What is significant about the side of Adam and the side of Christ? 14.What in Genesis is said not to be good? QUIZ QUESTIONS SO FAR….

This beauty from eternity is in In the heart and mind of God In his image and likeness

So….. Sense of being loved (how it is discovered) Identity as Male and Female

The family The Domestic Church The Christian home is the place where children receive the first proclamation of the faith. For this reason the family home is rightly called "the domestic church," a community of grace and prayer, a school of human virtues and of Christian charity. CCC1666

Slides taken from Sr. Jane Dominic, O.P.

Independent Competitive BOND shoulder-to- shoulder Action-oriented Physical Relationship - Oriented Cooperative BOND face-to-face Communication - oriented Verbal

FATHERMOTHER Attitudes and behaviors are learned. If there is a lack: Father wound and/or Mother wound

Different is GOOD. Difference is the foundation for: attraction revelationdisclosure Mutual-affirmationMutual-growth RESPECT ~ LOVE ~ INTIMACY

~ Pursuer ~ Cherished Prize WARNING SIGNAL : SHAME ~ He needs to know he can do it. ~ She needs to know she is worth it

~ Pursuer ~ Cherished Prize ~ He needs to know he can do it. ~ She needs to know she is worth it Girls – dont emasculate guys Guys – dont treat girls like objects

MAN WOMAN ~ Provider ~ Protector ~ Moral Educator ~ parasite ~ predator ~ pervert / moral corruptor ~ Nurturer ~ Encourager ~Captivating Beauty ~ nagger/ manipulator ~ demeaner/ Gossip girl ~ seductive sex object

MAN WOMAN 1. Sexual Fulfillment 1. Affection & Attention 2. Recreational Companionship 3. An attractive spouse 4. Domestic Support 5. Admiration 2. Conversation 3. Honesty & Openness 4. Family Commitment 5. Financial Stability