Pastor Gregory and Lady Yolanda Gibson Living Gods Word – Teaching Gods People Church Overview What we are about
TLWS Founding Scripture And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John 1:14 Teaching people how to apply and live God's Word.
TLWS Vision Statement A church where God's grace and truth are manifested through the Word of God and exemplified in the lives of the people. Teaching people how to apply and live God's Word.
TLWS Mission Statement Teaching people how to apply and live Gods Word. Teaching people how to apply and live God's Word.
Vision and Mission Extended We will impact the world by teaching people how to apply the scriptures in their lives to increase their faith, maturity, and relationship with Jesus our Lord. Prepare the next generation by training youth in leadership and teaching them to stand in boldness, respect, and integrity. Embody the out-stretched arms of Jesus to provide spiritual healing, deliverance, comfort, and restoration. Strengthen marriages and help build strong families founded on God's principles and values. Represent the mind of Christ by being a multicultural church and exhort unity within the body of Christ. Teach the uncompromised truth in God's word and expose the deception and agenda of satan. We will exemplify and share God's commended love to all mankind which enables them to live and enjoy an abundant and empowered life in Christ. Teaching people how to apply and live God's Word.
Love Worship Truth Faith Four Pillars Teaching people how to apply and live God's Word.
TLWS Core Values Love Love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, and love others like Christ loves us. Mark 12:30 & John 15:12 Faith Have faith in God, live by faith, and show our faith by our works. Mk 11:22, Gal 2: 20, & James 2:18 Worship Worship God in spirit and truth, and in the beauty of holiness John 4:23 & Ps 29:2 Truth Know the truth and rightly divide the word of truth John 8: 32 & 2 Tim 2:15 Teaching people how to apply and live God's Word.
Pastor Gregory and Lady Yolanda Gibson Living Gods Word – Teaching Gods People