"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part".
Guess and match bride groom best man ceremony blossom a) a male friend of the groom who helps him during the wedding ceremony b) a party to celebrate the marriage ceremony of two people c) a small flower on a tree or plant d) a woman who is about to get married or has just got married e) customs performed on important social or religious occasions f) goodbye g) a man who is about to get married or has just got married bride groom best man ceremony blossom wedding reception farewell
groom best man bride wedding ceremony wedding reception farewell blossom
Guess and match bride groom best man ceremony blossom a) a male friend of the groom who helps him during the wedding ceremony bride b) a party to celebrate the marriage ceremony of two people groom best man c) a small flower on a tree or plant a) a male friend of the groom who helps him during the wedding ceremony d) a woman who is about to get married or has just got married ceremony c) a small flower on a tree or plant e) customs performed on important social or religious occasions blossom c) a small flower on a tree or plant wedding reception f) goodbye g) a man who is about to get married or has just got married b) a party to celebrate the marriage ceremony of two people farewell f) goodbye
groom best man bride wedding ceremony wedding reception farewell blossom
Read the Internet page carefully and try to remember as much information as you can!
Indonesian Weddings What to do: I can go without an invitation. can I can attend the reception after the ceremony. can I have to put money into the box at the entrance of the reception. have to What not to do: I shouldn’t go to the ceremony without asking first. shouldn’t I don’t have to contribute a lot of money. don’t have to I can’t drink alcohol at the wedding reception. can’t Indonesian women don’t have to cover their heads. don’t have to
Indonesian Weddings
Greek Weddings
Greek Weddings
Greek Weddings
before the wedding ceremony Greek Weddings before the wedding ceremony The groom has to ask the bride’s father for his daughter’s hand in marriage. has to during the wedding ceremony should The best man should help the priest to put crowns on the heads of the couple. has to A long silk ribbon has to link the crowns to symbolise a happy and long life for the couple. after the wedding ceremony The guests can attend a wedding reception. can The party can last through the night. can Guests can smash dishes on the floor and pin money to the bride’s dress for good luck. can
Discussion You may talk about … Talk about the Chinese wedding customs can / can’t should / shouldn’t have to / don’t have to You may talk about … the preparations for the wedding, the ceremony, the reception, what to do & what not to do for the guests
Homework Writing: Make a plan for your future wedding. (Use the modal verbs and new words we have learnt.)