Two Vases The Amasis Painter
Amasis the Painter had a unique style probably Egyptian because Amasis is a Hellenised version of Ahmosis named after the potter, Amasis, who signed some of his work with Amasis made me like Exekias, it is likely that Amasis painted and potted his vessels, but since art historians cannot be sure, the artist has been coined with the modern name, the Amasis Painter
The Amasis Painter invented or was innovative in the following ways: - he found a new way to depict female flesh – by painting the white slip straight onto the reserved clay area, rather than over the top of the black glaze as earlier artists had done - he was the first to paint scenes from everyday life
Women Weaving Vase One
Subject Matter Label what each of the women are doing on the sketch of the whole scene.
Upper Frieze Miniature figures of youths & girls Significance? Seated woman may be a bride (because of the circular object she holds – the bride holds a similar object in the wedding procession vase) and is being approached by four youths (two from either side) who may be bringing wedding gifts
Between the friezes Band of mirrored diamonds
Shape & Subject What do you think this vase was used for based on the subject matter and possibly the shape?
Composition How many friezes are there? Upper frieze composition? Main frieze composition? Layout of figures? Number of groundlines? Overlapping? Symmetry? Use of space? Height of figures? Space around the figures?
Painting Technique Incision? Remember Amasis innovation about female flesh? Where would this have been (had it survived)?
Drapery, poses and eyes What is the drapery like on these women? How are the figures presented? (are they facing you?) Where are their eyes looking?
Wedding Procession Vase Two
Subject Using the Artus text, label each of the figures and describe what each is doing.
Upper Frieze subject Describe the scene – what is the scene? Who are seated? What are they doing? How many young girls are there? How are they positioned?
Overall Composition Describe the overall composition: - number of friezes - motifs - bands
Upper Frieze Composition Layout of figures? Number of groundlines? Overlapping? Symmetry? Use of space – height of figures? Space around the figures?
Main Frieze Composition Layout of figures? Number of groundlines? Overlapping? (depth) Symmetry? Use of space – height of figures? Space around the figures?
Painting Technique What is the painting technique? What examples are there of this technique?
Drapery, poses & eyes Drapery: - what are: chiton? Himation? Peplos? - how is the drapery painted? (detail? depth?) How are the figures presented in their poses? (are they facing you?) Where are the figures eyes looking?
Black Figure Revision What techniques did Lydos use that show his vase is later than the Francois? Exekias is considered the height of black figure. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer in an essay- like paragraph.