28 October 2011 Begin Ch 12 Cardiovascular Physiology 6 sections p. 353-433 2 CV labs: 1 Frog heart, 1 Human EKG and Blood Pressure Abstracts due Monday at start of class.
1QQ # 22 for 8:30 Write a question based on Control of Movement chapter and lecture material. Provide an answer to your question. Questions that require insight and integration earn more points than questions requiring only recall of information.
1QQ # 22 for 9:30 Write a question based on Control of Movement chapter and lecture material. Provide an answer to your question. Questions that require insight and integration earn more points than questions requiring only recall of information.
S S 1 Secretion Reabsorption Filtration
Circulatory System Circulates Nutrients: glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, ketones, etc Wastes: Hormones: bound & free Gases: CO2 and O2 Formed Elements: Cells and Cell Fragments Erythrocytes, Leukocytes, Thrombocytes = Platelets Other roles of the Cardiovascular System Thermoregulation Blood Clotting Reproduction (ex: penile erection)
Entering and Exiting the blood S 3 Blood volume ~ 5 liters Figure 12.01 Serum = plasma – clotting factors Entering and Exiting the blood Components…… EPO and “The Scoop on Tissie” Discontinuous capillaries in bone marrow, spleen, & liver permit erythrocytes to enter and exit blood. Formed elements Hct = percentage of blood volume occupied by RBCs Anemia Blood doping & erythropoietin (hormone that stimulates erythrocyte production in bone marrow) to increase hematocrit
Arteries..away from heart Veins..return to heart Fig. 12.02 When left heart can’t pump all the blood it receives from pulmonary circuit (due to high aortic pressure and/or damage to left ventricle) blood accumulates in pulmonary circuit. This is congestive heart failure. Symptom: shortness of breath. S 4 Arteries..away from heart Veins..return to heart Regional blood flow determined by arteries and arterioles. 12.02.jpg Resting Cardiac Output = 5L/min for each side!
CO = 5L/min for each circuit Figure 12.04 S 5 CO = 5L/min for each circuit Up to 35 L/min in strenuous exercise
What’s missing? Microcirculation Exchange Vessels S 6 Pulmonary circuit CO = 5 liters/min CO = 5 liters/min Arterial Blood Pressure Recall Portal Systems! Systemic Circuit Resistance Vessels Microcirculation Exchange Vessels Capacitance vessels
S 7 Pulmonary circuit Pressure gradients makes fluids move. Moving fluids flow, but flow is limited by resistance. Resistance creates pressure. Systemic Circuit
Q= ΔP πr4 8Lη Poiseulle’s equation F=Q=ΔP/R Flow = Pressure gradient/Resistance from Ohm’s Law (V=IR) Radius of arterioles regulates Q to organs Double radius … 16x flow Half radius….1/16th flow R = 8Lη/πr4 Q= ΔP πr4 8Lη Poiseulle’s equation Smooth muscles determine radius
Cardiac Output = Heart Rate X Stroke Volume CO = HR x SV 5L/min = 72 beat/min x 70 ml/beat The Cardiac Cycle animation