Big Society in Kent Feedback – key points 25 th January 2011
What does the big society mean to you? Concern about funding and the future ++++ Concept when you want to apply BS in deprived areas Funding and activities are important – but if services are cut to the vulnerable – then they are excluded from society let alone the big society Vision – everybody playing their part – safe and or tolerant Opportunity to consolidate and review successes – where could be more joined up
What does the big society mean to you? Reality of BS re cuts – BS needs to mobilise to fill the gap – tolerance, compromise BS made of different parts Will be winners and losers Responsibility on what remains of the public sector to focus on deprived areas More local products – less government led
What does the big society mean to you? BS a slogan – get through that – opportunity to look at social barriers – look at understanding the causes and provide solutions in deprived areas Building respect for each other Funding problems mean that ideas and concepts might be stripped away Cohesion issues coming through BS about collaborative partnerships – community groups communicating – knowing more about each other
What does the big society mean to you? BS could be – everyone being more community oriented – hubs to know what is going on – sharing knowledge Going back to roots where people rely more on each other – than funding Be more inclusive The snow brought people out to help each other Need for culture change People need to change attitudes to help each other – got to start with the people More about funding
What is happening in Kent already that contributes to the big society? A lot of groups out there doing similar things – need to make the right connections May need to be a re-shuffle and need time for that African Caribbean group – good at making connections with communities Found jobs for people – help with CVs Resident associations in Swanley – painting equipment – co-producing with the town council Festivals and informal helping – people getting together – helping each other – shopping etc. Sevenoaks – pledges of support to connect people with people to help
What is happening in Kent already that contributes to the big society? Way forward – everyone joining to overcome funding problems e.g. cross reference people to people and resources e.g. video camera Youth groups work well – BS already being done – big day out – communities come together, run by the council and other groups Other festivals that draw people in, but maybe only on the days of the events In Gravesham celebrate other cultures, St Patricks day, youth forum – student on Kent primary school council – a lot of positive out there Some private companies helping with BS and community development, but need to be better recognised Will cuts force organisations to work together
What is happening in Kent already that contributes to the big society? What id the role of democracy in BS – protect minority interests e.g. people with drug and alcohol addiction – mediation needed so minority groups are not overlooked Council can facilitate BS – and get out of the way New project on 31 st January – Happiness Project tackling depression, get people together at the happiness club – be confident, be confident song
What is happening in Kent already that contributes to the big society? Ashford Borough Council – single grant gateway – pulling resources together, a panel meets to award pooled funding – the team meets with each bid so can join organisations together Work club – empowering local community to overcome local labour market issues, CV, job search etc. Gateway in Kent – Kent CC project to join front line services together to improve outcomes for citizens – a hub for the community – delivers 35 services
What is happening in Kent already that contributes to the big society? Community focus group to discuss issues – at the civic centre Neighbourhood forum – Black History Month Kent Police training staff about cultures in the community group Host events for local people month – African Caribbean business forum, but for anyone – lots of partners attend – people can promote businesses and ideas People can be involved – re the council examples of intergenerational activities, film, crochet, knitting – transferring life skills, community action pilot
What is happening in Kent already that contributes to the big society? IT project BIT 50 – targeted at plus 50 – disaffected kids to teach IT to older people – good example of breaking down tensions, building relationships Community hubs and networks Churches opening up Riverside community trust Sure trust – community based centres, advice centre, getting people back to work Casual and informal networks – e.g. carers – meaningful meetings
What is happening in Kent already that contributes to the big society? Charity that works with the Sikh community – different charities Helping groups engage – under represented groups – spread the word to get people involved Asian community already has the BS – people/families look after each other and give more widely – positive images of working together and helping each other Good project – Thanet community partnership – working with older people to provide services to older people – share information – one broker of the services to ensure they are there for older people
What is happening in Kent already that contributes to the big society? Fairbridge – like Hulls Cat-zero Peer support for mental health services Young people invited to support people in care homes Royal wedding to create opportunity for BS activities – people will come out, but need to keep up engagement Roles of town and parish councils – will need to work hard with less engaged groups in the community Gravesham organising street parties
What will need to be done to make the Big Society successful and meaningful? What needs to change to make this happen? Positive thinking – train people to be happier – just be more positive – in England People will make the change – small steps Small is beautiful vs. economies of scale Leadership, collaboration and partnership Managing tension between continuity and be able to take risks and chances The personal touch Informing people of the philosophy – whatever it is Being aware of needs in local communities
What will need to be done to make the Big Society successful and meaningful? What needs to change to make this happen? CVS NW Kent – provides support to smaller organisations Less control from LA, but more help and guidance – but need to improve communication Someone to act as a conduit to facilitate sharing information Needs more engagement with the community, business sector – others How to get more people interested in BS?
What will need to be done to make the Big Society successful and meaningful? What needs to change to make this happen? Need for co-ordination to identify duplication and gaps People have a right to opt out, but there are people who have not had the opportunity to opt in Society needing to police itself – street champions Need to consider different cultures – that people struggle with in some areas of Kent – street champions can make links within the community – with new and existing communities – building tolerance Building trust and neighbourliness – going back to roots
What will need to be done to make the Big Society successful and meaningful? What needs to change to make this happen? Communicate different sets of values Need to sift through information to be used intelligently Need to respect diversity and an underpinning set of values – which is a challenge – e.g. human rights and a basic quality of life everyone will have a different view Requires a different type of leadership Need a framework for BS – to evaluate whether BS has been achieved – need a sense of achievement Needs a leadership structure e.g. the council, Princes Trust etc. Need to think of ways to continue a service
What will need to be done to make the Big Society successful and meaningful? What needs to change to make this happen? Communicate different sets of values Need to sift through information to be used intelligently Need to respect diversity and an underpinning set of values – which is a challenge – e.g. human rights and a basic quality of life everyone will have a different view Requires a different type of leadership Need a framework for BS – to evaluate whether BS has been achieved – need a sense of achievement Needs a leadership structure e.g. the council, Princes Trust etc. Need to think of ways to continue a service Charities giving – not cash, but in kind – different ways of funding, alternative sources
What will need to be done to make the Big Society successful and meaningful? What needs to change to make this happen? Need direction – a structure – aim to be on the right track Discover localised needs – how do you motivate people to get them interested? Some sort of reward and recognition system Time Bank using skills in the community – nationally supported scheme Need to get young people involved – respect in community spirit Got to get the community up and running Gravesham does a lot on community engagement – building on this to empower people e.g. older peoples forum – welcome applications for an award Bring communities together to develop strong leadership
What will need to be done to make the Big Society successful and meaningful? What needs to change to make this happen? Tenant participation scheme Need clarity about people on job seekers volunteering – insert web link Resident associations – to take the lead in project development – Tenant participation team Need to create better awareness about BS – best way supermarkets, blogs etc. to encourage participation Need the right leadership and structures in place – understanding what BS means Community based budgeting/total place – mapping activity to create coherence – to prevent duplication – example in London with unnecessary spending – need to get better value Is really about Kent being ready for the vision of the BS – stick to focus of being ready/prepared Need to define what it does mean and how it can be practiced
What will need to be done to make the Big Society successful and meaningful? What needs to change to make this happen? Charities giving – not cash, but in kind – different ways of funding, alternative sources Need direction – a structure – aim to be on the right track Discover localised needs – how do you motivate people to get them interested? Some sort of reward and recognition system Time Bank using skills in the community – nationally supported scheme Need to get young people involved – respect in community spirit Got to get the community up and running Gravesham does a lot on community engagement – building on this to empower people e.g. older peoples forum – welcome applications for an award Bring communities together to develop strong leadership Tenant participation scheme Access the one square mile portal
What will you do next ? Promote your square mile Ask the BS questions more widely – to everyone Carry on smiling