Early and Effective Intervention Grampian Police Youth Justice Management Unit Samantha Scott
Early and Effective Intervention 1 st stage in GIRFEC and a Whole System Approach Multi agency discussion about the concerns and behaviour of young people in order to identify the most appropriate organisation to take the lead in providing whatever support is deemed necessary.
EEI - Changes Health & Education now get information at the earliest stage of offending, and welfare concerns, allowing appropriate supports to be put in place at a much earlier stage. Direct referrals to services Not using SCRA as a means to access services
EEI – Whats Better? Prevents lengthy time delays and the associated report writing Fewer C&YP propelled into Criminal Justice system Reduction in inappropriate referrals to SCRA Quicker service provision for C&YP and families.
THE NUMBERS! SCRA data confirms that 540 offence based referrals have been received in April 2011 – March 2012 which is a 21% reduction on the previous year and a 48% reduction over 2 years direct referrals to services, and direct referrals to services
Victims and Community Confidence Service Manager Sacro Aberdeen Tracy Mackie
Tiered approach
Managing High Risk and Transitions Jo Holmes Childrens Services Manager, Barnardos
POLICY AND GUIDANCE WSA And Girfec UNCRC Local workstreams aligned with national policy
PRACTICE: WHAT IS WORKING Collaborative and partnership working Shared responsibility and decision making Multi-agency training opportunities
PRACTICE: WHAT IS WORKING Frontline staff working in partnership in developing care plans that are child centred Workers being persistent and resilient in engaging with young people
CHALLENGES AND DEVELOPMENTS Respite provision Engaging and working with Sheriffs to enable a shared understanding of GIRFEC and WSA and how this fits with court procedures and their role within it. Sustaining a team around the young person to enable engagement Re-integration planning from point of young person being accommodated in secure care/YOI
CHALLENGES AND DEVELOPMENTS Intensive bail provision Working with vulnerable young women ISS packages at an earlier intervention stage to prevent offending behaviour becoming entrenched pattern
Evaluation Findings and Outcomes Inspector Lyn Ross Youth Justice Programme Team
Have we achieved our aims? Reduce reoffending by under 18s by: developing integrated processes and services across children's and adults systems increasing opportunities for diversion from formal measures targeted at young people increasing opportunities for community alternatives to secure care and custodial sentences And make changes sustainable
Reducing offending? 5% increase in young people involved in offending in 2009/10 Programme started in March % reduction in 2010/11 Further 15% reduction in 2011/12
Reducing reoffending? Average of 66% of under 18s who offend committed only one offence 32% committed between 2 and 10 offences 1.6% committed 11+ offences Reduction from 3%
Reducing offending - Despite supporting more challenging young people in the community Residential Schools
Reducing offending - Despite supporting more challenging young people in the community Secure Units
Serious Offences
Children on Supervision
The whole is greater then the sum of the parts There are some parts of the system that have a disproportionate effect on the whole... Improved outcomes in one part of the system depend on action being taken in another part – even if that action does not appear to directly benefit the organisation.
Jointly Reported
Risks and Issues – workshop feedback Future sustainability of services Lean Timeframes for evidencing improved outcomes for young people were too short Difficulties in delivering new services in realistic timescales The removal of the programme team Blame culture Capacity issues in agencies
Risks and Issues Ensuring continuing collaboration between partners - ensuring trust between competitors and openness will be critical. Risk of too much focus on financial savings and not better outcomes for young people Given the high demand on resources, it is difficult for partners to sustain resources without budget commitments.
Programme Delivery Issues The pace of programme delivery meant that the developments required to embed GIRFEC into practice could not keep up, and could not be expected to. Extend the Working Group membership to involve a few more agencies; Work to ensure that communities and residential units are aware of the Programme and the impact of the programme activities; Gain buy in and commitment from Sheriffs; Provide all new staff members of ISS/ISMS with a thorough induction to the Programme;
Practice Issues Be more realistic about planning timescales for young people so they engage better in the first place; Make better use of community resources and try to overcome the challenge of engaging service users with these resources; Improve partnership working between services to prevent escalation to intensive services;
Partnerships with benefits, and challenges Time: it takes longer to produce results. Without a process of courtship it will simply be a shotgun wedding Competition between organisations: although some competition between organisations can be motivating, excessive competition can result in an unwillingness to co-operate Authority: it is important that all staff involved in partnership working have the necessary authority to take decisions Communication: it can be difficult to get the balance right. Too many meetings can put partners off attending. Too little communication can result in duplication of effort, lack of understanding and mistrust amongst partners Adapted from Top Ten Partnership Killers!
Why a Whole System Approach? In the long history of humankind, those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed Charles Darwin,
Planning and Performance Management Billy Nicol
Insanity Doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. ~ Albert Einstein
Beyond Insanity Doing the same thing over and over again and not knowing if you are getting any results. ~ Harp and Maloney
Overall aim What was the overall aim? Build a picture of what was happening in Aberdeen City and make changes based on evidence to encourage speed, efficiency and better outcomes for young people – planning a whole system.
Lean is NOT… Just process re- engineering A way to make job cuts A quick fix A way of de-skilling jobs About setting ourselves unachievable targets About improving efficiency at the cost of quality A focus on total customer satisfaction Continuously improving our current way of working led by those involved A way of life, not a diet An environment of teamwork and improvement Gaining more control of how we do our work Working Smarter Lean is… © Fisher, I. Capgemini, with permission
Lean © Fisher, I. Capgemini, with permission
Process and value stream mapping
Decision tree
Efficiencies PoliceSCRA PF Court © Fisher, I. Capgemini, with permission
Post Capgemini Measure existing services Make improvements where possible Map the whole system Cost the whole system for sustainability Agree a way forward
Staff Involvement Challenges around time available Vast quantity of case level data required 18 months later we have some good information that allowed projections for sustainability Also costed wiring for future Decision wiring as well
Still in progress Need to link performance with funding, but before that need to know what the whole system looks like… Benchmarks and Performance Evaluation
Original system for Youth Justice
Costed Whole System as baseline from now…..
Cost vs efficiency Secure: £5,000 per week ISS: under £1500 per week Outcomes Court: £3,600 - £5000 RJ (incl PRS): £ days vs. 180 days Efficiency vs. cost – Sacro reduced end to end by 21 days
Sample YJ Social Work data Social Work early indications less telephone contact and direct work with young people rose by 6% Report writing has gone down by 11% freeing time for more direct work and the 7% increase in time spent at meetings.
Caution with Lean style costing… Tea breaks If we have around 38 Full Time staff (equivalent) in system Two tea breaks a day 19 hours at £29.00 per hour (cost) £123,424 per annum (224 day years) Cut to 10 mins hours at £29.00 = £82,239 Saving – 6.34 hours a day and £41,185 a year!!!!
If we do not measure results, do we really know if we are successful?
Value of using case level data in future No longer guess work Case specific outcomes can be measured System corrections can be made based on case level data Longitudinal study Performance management system