Your group will consist of 4 people and be responsible for providing a fiesta experience for the whole class. Your group will have 10 minutes to present. Turn in: title page list of group members and their jobs bibliography and/or source of information (before the presentation) LEQ: How are the winter holidays celebrated around the Hispanic world? This will be a test grade!
December Calendar : 234 Project Work time 5 Project Work time 6 Project Work time 9 Project Work time 10 Project Work time 11 Fiesta Presentations 12 Fiesta Presentations 13 Fiesta Presentations 16 Midterms 17 Midterms 18 Midterms 19 Midterms 20 Midterms
Research facts about the country. Include in your visual & oral presentation: Map/Capital/ Nationality Flag Money Population Percentage of Catholics Interesting Facts (2+) Job #1 El Busca-datos (fact finder) What do you know about the country?
Choose and research a winter holiday celebrated in the Hispanic world Present your findings. These may include: Las Posadas La Noche de los Rábanos La Guadalupana Día de los Reyes La Noche Buena Día de los Inocentes Los Reyes Magos Día de la Candelaria Pastorelas El Año Viejo Las Octavitas Algo diferente? Job #2 El Investigador de la festividad (holiday researcher) ¿Cómo se celebran?
Two members must: *explain the significance of 3 of the following and *bring in an actual product (ideas given below): Decorations (actual décor) Clothing (dress-up) Music (actual recording, group singing, etc. ) Pictures and drawings Recipes and food (food sample & recipe ) Job #3 2 Investigadores del Arte y La Comida (researchers of food & art)
Las Fiestas en ____________________ Points Possible Points Received Notes Countrys main facts: Map/Capital/ Nationality Flag Money Population Percentage of Catholics Interesting Facts (2+) 15 Holiday Research (visual representation) 15 Decorations (actual décor) Clothing (dress-up) Music (actual recording, group singing, etc. ) Pictures and drawings Recipes and food (food sample & recipe ) 15 Title page and Bibliography 5