Lipton tea can do that.
LIPTON QUALITY MELLOW Marketing Plan Vanilla Group 1 Vanilla
Outline Brief introduction of our marketing plan Brief introduction of our products Major competitors & marketing objectives Target market Marketing mix – 4Ps
Marketing plan Unilever foods (China) – Branches in Guangzhou First three months of 2012 Guangzhou
LIPTON QUALITY MELLOW Name: LIPTON QUALITY MELLOW (立顿绝品醇) Owner: Lipton Tea Launch time: September 15th, 2010 Category:bottled instant milk tea drink (速溶杯装奶茶) Type: convenience goods PLC: introduction phase the largest supplier of branded tea in the world in the introduction phase macha 两个4声
Major competitors Nestle (雀巢) XiangPiaoPiao (香飘飘) u.loveit (优乐美) [nɛsˈle] ['nesl] the largest food and nutrition company in the world foothold
Marketing objectives Introduction phase Customer awareness Sales volume Customer loyalty Market share Further marketing campaigns Customer base
Alternatives of coffee 4.petit bourgeoisie lifestyle(小资情调) Quick meals Alternatives of coffee 3. Convenient beverage 4.petit bourgeoisie lifestyle(小资情调) Target Market Segment 1: white collar workers Age: 25 – 35 Income : above 3000 Gender: female & male Resident in: Guangzhou Segment 2: middle school students & college students Age: 14 – 25 Gender: female & male Resident in: Guangzhou Quick breakfasts 2. Convenient beverage 3. A fashionable image align to [,bu:ʒwɑ:'zi:]
Product Type: convenience goods Characteristics -- quality guarantee Tea expert – Lipton Tea 100 % natural offering – plantations(种植园) around the world Nontoxic & Healthful only pure, natural ingredients no preservatives & colorings no high fructose corn syrup -- HFCS (果糖玉米糖浆) ['frʌktos] ['sɪrəp]
Product differentiation Four exotic (异国风情的)flavors Flavor French-style Mix Berry Milk Tea 法式风情莓果奶茶 Japanese-style Matcha Milk Tea 日式抹茶奶茶 Taiwanese-style Oolong Milk Tea 台式冻顶乌龙奶茶 British-style Royal Milk Tea 英式皇家风情奶茶 Packaging & Design Brand name – guarantee of quality
Pricing Objective – sales-oriented (introduction) Strategies – fast skimming strategy Odd pricing – RMB 4.9 Multiple-unit pricing
Place convenience & prestige suppliers Place convenience & prestige convenience stores vending machines supermarkets virtual stores hypermarkets end customers
{ Promotion Advertising Sales promotion Strategy: pull strategy -- customers Promotion mix { Advertising Sales promotion
Advertising TV – commercials -- GDTV & TVB Direct mail – E-mails Media of advertising Advertising TV – commercials -- GDTV & TVB Direct mail – E-mails Internet – shopping websites & video websites portals & social networking websites Outdoor – posters & electric displays Transportation – buses
Sales promotion 1 Exotic styles French British Japanese Taiwan Time: January, February, March of 2012 Scene: hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores Activities: Points – of – sales displays Sampling -- temporary counters & salesgirls Premium – 4 units + a well-designed cup / teaspoon bait
Romantic Valentine’s Day A romantic trip to Paris Enjoy A romantic trip to Paris & LIPTON QUALITY MELLOW Sales promotion 2 Time: 19:30-21:30 February 14th, 2012 Scene: Grandview Square (正佳广场) Name: “YOUR CUP OF TEA” Holder: Unilever foods (China) Activities: DIY their own milk tea -- 20 pairs of lovers Free milk tea & cookies -- participants Tickets for an oversea trip -- winners
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