toys created by Moroccan children musical toys document made for the Facebook group toys created by children
Celebrating childrens creativity in their self made toys from a multicultural perspective Jean-Pierre Rossie 2009
Moroccan children make a lot of musical instruments among which percussion instruments are predominant Gnaoua rattles Anti-Atlas, 2006
they imagine themselves the most popular music group of the region Sidi Ifni, 2005
pupils playing a drum for the throne feast Goulmima, 1996
talented drummers with the drum of goat skin they made themselves Anti-Atlas 2005
drum made by a fourteen-year-old boy Anti-Atlas, 2005
training to be a drum kit player in a wedding feast orchestra Sidi Ifni 2005
traditional types of percussion instruments made by adults and related to the ashura feast Marrakech, 1992
childrens drums for the ashura feast made by potters Kénitra, 1994 Sidi Ifni, 2007
childrens percussion instruments Midelt, 1999 Sidi Ifni, 2008
whistle made with a flowers chalice central Morocco 1999
paper whistle Midelt, 1998
whistles made from pieces of tin can Anti-Atlas, 2006
penny whistle region of Tan-Tan 2007
Marrakech, 1992 Tiznit, 2007
flute Tiznit, 2007
penny whistle cut from a plastic tube region of Tan-Tan 2007
oboe made with waste material Midelt, 1999
herdsboy playing a violin he made himself Middle Atlas 1999
top and bottom of the violin
violin and guitar Anti-Atlas 2005
guitars Anti-Atlas, 2003
lotar made by an adolescent Pre-Sahara 2007
wood, old pan, goat skin, spirals of an exercise book and nails
young star of popular songs region of Tan-Tan 2007
traditional rattles Anti-Atlas, 2007
toy rattle of waste material Anti-Atlas, 2005
but the toy industry is more and more getting the upper hand Marrakech 1992 Sidi Ifni, 2008
Sidi Ifni, 2005
© Jean-Pierre Rossie all photos taken by the author except the photos of slides 15, 18 and 26 taken by Khalija Jariaa