Indirect Upgrades Rules of Engagement February 2018 INTERNAL USE ONLY 01/02/2019 01:23
Corporate Upgrades – Rules of Engagement Current Base Owner Out of contract 1-30 days from the end of the contract 31- 180 days from the end of the contract 181- 365 days from the end of the contract Upgrading Partner is the current Base owner Re-sign without a contract fees1 Eligible to resign1 Eligible to resign1 (All outstanding tenure will be added to the new contract) Not Eligible for early resign Upgrading Partner is NOT the current Base owner Re-sign paying any buy out costs on the account (Contractual revenue guarantee shortfalls for the Direct base )3 75% of the base needs to be with in 1 month from the end of the contract3 All buy out costs must be paid in full for the Direct Base2 3 Indirect Base Customer not eligible for resign4 The above eligibility rules do not apply to those customers which either have a minimum spend requirement or any other revenue obligation. DAs not permissible, price book commercials only if being bought out earlier than the Minus 1-30 days remaining in contract. Any outstanding buy out costs or contractual revenue guarantee shortfalls for direct base must be paid before new contract start. For Indirect base customers partners are not able to buy out costs or roll tenure over into the new contract.
Corporate & Small Business Segment Transfer– Rules of Engagement Current Base Owner Out of contract 1-30 days from the end of the contract 31- 180 days from the end of the contract 181- 365 days from the end of the contract Small Business > Corporate Eligible for segment transfer Eligible for segment transfer, all outstanding tenure to be added to the new contract (Customer MRC can not reduce more than 5%) Not eligible for segment transfer Corporate > Small Business Partner raises the Segment transfer Commercial Approve or Reject segment transfer Account Manager requests the segment change from BPS Contract Support Change the flag Segmentation rules are subject to the upgrading partner being the current base owner Commercial Approve or Reject DA Partner raises DA on new segment (only if the segment transfer is approved)