Source: future-internet-ld_en.pdf Background
Overall Process Model Nov 2008 Introductory panel discussions in the FI of Services networking Lyon Dec 2008 Panel discussions during FIA Madrid to list FISO requirements Panel coordinators to write report about their panel discussion Jan 2009 Publishing FISO requirements and scenarios for comments at: Call for projects to write position papers on on requirements based on (early) results. Contributions published on URL above. Contributions should target current Internet limitations to aid definition of Future Internet April 2009 Prepare for Prague FIA based on above June 2009 Match project expected outcomes with above analysis
Scenario 1
Service procurement 1. Users specify requirements for a service 2. Functional and non-functional requirements included 3. Semantic search engine able to find relevant services 4. User selects relevant service 5. User fills in an SLA template 6. SLA given to provider 7. After Authentication and Authorization Performance monitoring is carried out
What If Questions (1/2) 1. What if standard representations of SLAs, and standard protocols for their negotiation and monitoring or uniform descriptions for services of different types are not taken up by a large community? 2. What if many devices/channels do exist, on which the services will be created or consumed (mobile devices, television, telephone, washing machine, refrigerator, printer, sensors) are sometimes switched off? 3. What if consumers are not able to generate their requirements?
What If Questions (2/2) 4. What if consumers are not able to select services? 5. What if providers cannot fill in the SLA templates of their services? 6. What if it is not possible to find SLA descriptions of complex composed services across providers? Especially if compositions are generated on-the-fly? 7. What if several industries provide services in incompatible ways. 8. What if there are many internets?
Research Challenges (1) What if standard representations of SLAs, and standard protocols for their negotiation and monitoring or uniform descriptions for services of different types are not taken up by a large community? Develop and apply different SLA representations (potential standards) at large scale How do we combine heterogeneous SLA representations (3) What if consumers are not able to generate their requirements? Easy end-user generation of requirements. Semi- automated generation.
Opportunities for FIRE Facilities Use Test interoperability between IT, Telco and Media services Test performance of different SLA representations
Scenario 2
Service Lifecycle As determined by the Telemanagement Forum 1. Develop a service (service developer) 2. Determine resource requirements (service developer) 3. Develop SLA templates (service provider) 4. Advertise service (service provider) 5. Negotiation and sales (customer) 6. Assessment (service provider) 7. Decommission service (service provider)
What If Questions (1/2) 1. What if the lifetime of value for services-based content exists for 5 minutes or 50 years? 2. What if the lifetime of all types of service-based assets (content, things, networks, etc) outlives the lifetime of the service? 3. What if the SLA template lifecycle is a process of collaborative decision making? 4. What if application and resource lifecycle is developed independently of the service lifecycle? 5. What if lifecycle of customer and community interests transition faster than service development activities?
What If Questions (2/2) 6. What if too much adaptability is offered by service providers in SLA templates and APIs? 7. What if customers want to know risks in networks of services offered by their providers? 8. What if customers need predictions on when an SLA may be breached? 9. What if services need to be developed by non-IT experts?
Research Challenges (3)What if the SLA template lifecycle is a process of collaborative decision making? Supporting collaborative SLA development across organisational boundaries and incorporating multiple viewpoints (5)What if lifecycle of customer and community interests transition faster than service development activities? Consumer communities to be more involved in the development process – to move towards a prosumer role Fulfilling dynamically changing business objectives which may not be known at design time
Scenario 3
Wedding Scenario
What if Questions and Research Challenges What if discovery is not able to access the context? Discovery based on on functionality, location, access range, pricing and feedback What if the feedback is not trusted? Incorporating trust mechanisms into feedback
Scenario 4 Due in one week
Thanks (scenarios) (movie)