Guest Speaker – Megan Gilligan Report out on Financial Goals for event Organizational and Planning Considerations Next Week
Upon completion of this week, the student will understand: Organizational and Planning Considerations Establish communication process, timelines and checklists Develop framework, timeframe and tools to manage event Understand fundamentals of the event- vision, goals and objectives, site selection, marketing, attendees, outline of activities, budget, timeline, food and beverage, staffing, and transportation Delegate roles and responsibilities
Homework before you meet with any client Event planning manual What should the manual include? Example: Angel at your Service Client Communication Basics
Event Planning Manual elements Calendar or planner for recording client contact info and dates for all bookings Initial contact forms Handouts: Culinary Institute of America A-Z Personal & Event Concierges U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\A-Z Event Planning Worksheet.doc U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\A-Z Event Planning Worksheet.doc Client Communication Basics
Event Planning Manual elements Proposal forms Examples: U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Masters Classic III Proposal.ppt U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Masters Classic III Proposal.ppt Contracts and receipts for deposits Portfolio of ancillary service providers Banquet event order template/ template/ Final billing forms Follow-up correspondence Client Communication Basics
Client Meetings Plan every meeting Agenda Initial client information Specific details for event Follow-up timelines and responsibilities Examples: U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Meeting with Alison Darling March docx U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Meeting with Alison Darling March docx U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Darling March visit schedule.xlsx U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Darling March visit schedule.xlsx Client Communication Basics
Initial Consultation Do you have a date in mind for the event? What is the purpose of the event? Have you selected a location for the event? How many guests are you anticipating? Is the event going to be held during the daytime, evening or weekend? What is your budget? How did you hear about us? What role do you want the event planners to play? A-Z wedding consult form: U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Wedding Initial consult form.doc U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Wedding Initial consult form.doc U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\A-Z Wedding Planning Questions.doc U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\A-Z Wedding Planning Questions.doc Client Communication Basics
Specific Details for Events From initial consultation develop checklists for scope of services U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Consultant Information Form.xls U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Consultant Information Form.xls U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Consultant Information Form- Ali Darling.xls U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Consultant Information Form- Ali Darling.xls All contract services required to provide appropriate services Site selection, invitations, marketing, caterers, floral/décor, rentals, lighting, AV, etc. Options for client to consider Dobleman Golf tournament Client Communication Basics
Follow-up Timelines and Responsibilities Develop timelines for follow-up meetings and overall event Delegation of responsibilities to appropriate team members, contract service providers, and client Wedding timelines: U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Time Lines for Wedding.xls U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Time Lines for Wedding.xls Dobleman Golf tournament: U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Masters Classic Timeline 2007.xls U:\Event Planning\Event Planning Class Winter 2012\Week 4 resources\Masters Classic Timeline 2007.xls Example from Catering: A Guide to Managing a Successful Business Operation Client Communication Basics
School Assignments for interviews/pictures – next week Examples of 2012 poster Develop template for 2013 poster Questions?
Guest speaker: Tracy Diehl, owner Florals Etcetera Report out on event project Financial considerations ICA High School Culinary Invitational