The Music Selection Process St Peters MMSG Saturday, January By Br. Tom Hudson, O.P.
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 2 Agenda The Rules The Three Principles The Standard Model (and Some Alternatives) Resources Practice
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 3 The Rules TITLE II – CANON 5: Of the Music of the Church It shall be the duty of every Member of the Clergy to see that music is used as an offering for the glory of God and as a help to the people in their worship in accordance with the Book of Common Prayer and as authorized by the rubrics or by the General Convention of this Church. To this end the Member of the Clergy shall have final authority in the administration of matters pertaining to music. In fulfilling this responsibility, the Member of the Clergy shall seek assistance from persons skilled in music. Together they shall see that music is appropriate to the context in which it is used.
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 4 The Rules Examined Music has two purposes: As an offering for the glory of God. To help the people in their worship. There are two sources of rules: The Book of Common Prayer (rubrics) See pages 355, 356, 357, 361, 406, etc. General Convention Constitution and Canons Standing Committee on Liturgy and Music Office for Liturgy and Music (TEC web page) Diocesan Liturgy Commissions/Rules
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 5 The Rules Boiled Down The Minister is the final authority! This is both a right and a responsibility. Some Ministers like to be actively involved; others only want to be informed. The Minister shall seek assistance from persons skilled in music. Forgetting to do this is a good way to lose an organist! Together, they share responsibility to ensure that music is appropriate to the context.
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 6 The Three Principles Theological Liturgical Pastoral
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 7 Music Should Be Theologically Correct Episcopalian Sources The Hymnal 1982 / 1940 Lift Every Voice and Sing II Wonder, Love, and Praise Other Anglican Hymnals (?) Hymns Ancient and Modern Sources from Other Denominations Safe vs. Not so sure Requires careful examination & checking.
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 8 Music Should Be Liturgically Appropriate The Season There are exceptions The Occasion Eucharist, Morning/Evening Prayer, Baptism, Wedding, Funeral, Confirmation, etc. There is plenty of neutral music
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 9 Music Should Be Pastorally Sound The most difficult area to judge! I know what I like… Considerations Difficulty, Range, Tempo Vocabulary, Style, Pronunciation Familiarity, Favorites, Anathemas…
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 10 Getting It Right You cant please all the people, all the time! Stick to the principles and explain what you do. Listen and learn. Defer to the Minister as the final authority. Form a committee… Most congregations are forgiving. Although some people like to complain! Learn by doing.
The Standard Model And Some Popular Alternatives
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 12 The Four-Hymns Model A Little Traveling Music Entrance – the Procession into the Church Sequence – the Gospel Procession Offertory – the Procession with the Gifts Closing – the Procession into the World »Check the rubrics! Common Places for Additional Hymns: After the First Reading and/or Psalm (traveling?) During or After Communion (one, or more if needed)
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 13 Service Music Song of Praise: Glory to God in the highest (Gloria) or Hymn Lord, have mercy (Kyrie) or Holy God (Trisagion) Canticles at Morning/Evening Prayer Gloria Patri after Opening Sentences and/or Psalm After each Reading Prayers of the People Presentation of the Gifts (Doxology, Keswick Doxology) Usually not used if there is a hymn.
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 14 Service Music – Contd Eucharistic Prayer (See Prayer C music in Hymnal) Preface Dialogue Holy, Holy, Holy (Sanctus & Benedictus) Memorial Acclamation (Anamnesis) Great Amen (and Doxology) Lords Prayer Fraction Anthem(s) Christ Our Passover (with or without Alleluias) Lamb of God (Agnus Dei)
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 15 Other Models The Hymn-Sing Model Provide an extended time of singing – use several hymns, arranged to build a sense of worship, praise, repentance, etc. May be used to begin the service, prepare for the sermon, give thanks after Communion, etc. The Hymns-As-Responses Model Use one or two verses of hymns after each spoken part of the service (prayers, each reading, etc.) Works especially well on Christmas Eve
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 16 Other Models The Taizé Model Instead of or in addition to hymns, use many short refrains, chants, meditations, etc. The Monastery Model Instead of hymns, use only chants, service music, and canticles. Others?
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 17 Resources The Episcopal Musicians Handbook Hymnal Studies: Five = liturgical uses Eight = Scriptural references The Internet Experience (Yours or Others)
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 18 In Summary… Music selection is a lot of work! The Minister is ultimately responsible. Seek assistance from qualified musicians and liturgists.
01/27/2007 The Music Selection Process Slide 19 Practice Lent-Easter, 2007 – 10 Services! Ash Wednesday (Feb 21) Five Sundays of Lent (Feb 25, Mar 4, 11, 18, 25) Palm Sunday (Apr 1) Maundy Thursday (Apr 5) Good Friday (Apr 6) Easter Sunday (Apr 8) Easter II (Apr 15)
The Music Selection Process Thanks! And Enjoy Selecting…