Britton’s and Wilson’s News Oct. 3rd – Oct. 7th What I’m Learning: This week our mentor text is “Julius: The Baby of the World” . In Reading, we are visualizing to create mental pictures, rereading to gain more details, making text-to-self connections, and inferencing. In grammar, we are exploring simple subjects and simple predicates. In writing, we are writing personal narratives. In Math, we are testing one step word problems using multiplication and division on Oct. 4th and 5th. We start telling time on Thursday. We will not have a Fact Fluency test this Friday. Vocabulary words and definitions: 1. Particularly – especially or mainly 2. speechless – unable to speak because you are shocked, surprised, or very angry 3. reunite come together again after being separated 4. cross – annoyed and angry 5. savory – pleasant to smell or taste 6. realize – become aware of something or understand something that you did not understand before Date: ______ Teacher News Field trip money $18 to Bass Pro shop needs to be sent ASAP. Please join us as we Walk for Healthy Living on Friday at 9:30. Our Columbus Day holiday is on Oct. 10th. There will be No School. PTO – Now is the time to join! $10/family. Parents, we have snack at 10:00. Please make sure your child has a snack or purchases one. All snacks are 50 cents each. P. E. for Wilson’s class is Wed., Britton’s class is Thurs. Wear tennis shoes. Homework: Reading: (Due on Friday) Assignment 1: Reading Log Assignment 2: Math: (Math homework is due nightly) Mon.-Go over Math Study guide. Tues.- Go over Math Study guide. Wed.-No Homework in Math!! Thurs.- Time worksheet Fri.- Tests this week: Reading and Math: Monday – Tuesday – Math Test, p. 1-5 Wednesday – Math Test p. 6-9 Thurs. – Friday –
What’s Due: Assignments 1, 2, & 3 “I CAN” Common Core State Standards ELA Standards (Reading, Writing, Language, Speaking & Listening) I can reread a story for information I can compare and contrast two stories I can make a text to self connection I can use the text to make inferences Math Standards I can solve a multiplication or division one step word problem. What’s Due: Assignments 1, 2, & 3 September Nothing this week. Helpful websites Your student will log in to myon by using their msis number. ©Teresa Kwant, 2013