Senior English 3/9/15 What kind of clothes do lawyers wear in court? Is racism, bias, or bullying affecting the jury in 12 Angry Men? Explain your position. What kind of clothes do lawyers wear in court? Skigs – slow moving items, like shoes that nobody buys. Goals – Review basic constitutional rights, Watch 12 Angry Men. Focus on the argument and the nature of evidence Homework – none. Don’t forget to study for vocab. quiz #24. Lawsuits
Senior English 3/10/15 What threats to a fair trial have we seen illustrated in the 12 Angry Men? Why did the computer squeek? Rowel – the wheel of a spur. Goals – Discuss Constitutional issues in the legal system with John Sloan. Homework – none. Because someone stepped on the mouse.
Senior English 3/11/15 How does a prosecutor help insure your constitutional rights to a fair trial? How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper? Bung hole – the hole through which beer enters a keg. Goals – Discuss prosecutorial responsibilities with Carl Sloan. Homework – None. We don’t know, none has ever done it.
Senior English 3/12/15 What do you sish to ask me about the Senior Service Project (SSP)? Why are blond jokes so short? Togate – toga wearing. Goals – Discuss Service Project. Sign up for Pizza sales next week. Homework –None. So men can remember them.
Senior English 3/13/15 Five minutes to study for Quiz #24. How do you get a man to do sit-ups? Denaturant – substance added to alcohol to make it unfit to drink. But still useful for commercial purposes. Goals –Successfully complete vocabulary #24.Watch 12 Angry Men. Homework – None Put the remote control by his feet.