Read the following quote, and write a one paragraph reflection Read the following quote, and write a one paragraph reflection. What do you think the quote means? How might it apply to the present day? Reflection should be 3-4 COMPLETE sentences. You have 4 minutes after the bell to complete the assignment. "And that claim is by the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federated self-government entrusted to us.” John O’Sullivan
Unit 4 Part 5: Manifest Destiny
Do you have a destiny? What if someone tried to stop it?
Manifest Destiny – the belief that it was God’s will that the U. S Manifest Destiny – the belief that it was God’s will that the U.S. expand to the Pacific
How do you reconcile our expansion with our morals? Like Smeagol vs. Gollum We decide our expansion is moral – bringing liberty to land of despots & savages.
More Americans travel west.
Mountain Men Lived in the wilderness to make money from trade and trapping fur Became explorers, guides, and intermediaries w/Amerindians
Conestoga Wagons Used to transport all kinds of goods before railroads. Favorite mode of transportation for those going west.
Two Important Trails Santa Fe Trail Oregon Trail Allowed Americans to trade w/New Mexico Traders developed caravan system for protection “circle the wagons” Oregon Trail Mostly families traveling to west coast Disease, exposure, & occasional Amerindian attacks killed many On average there was one grave every 80 yards between Missouri & Oregon Two Important Trails
Donner Party In 1846 a group of settlers tried to take a shortcut & got caught in a blizzard 13 died & were eaten by the survivors
Texas Stephen F. Austin Offered land by Mexico to establish colony in Texas in 1821 Colonists had to speak Spanish, adopt Catholicism, and not have slaves Many Southern farmers drawn to Texas (cotton) Mexico changed its mind in 1830 but it was too late By 1835 Anglo population is 10 times Mexican population
Texas Revolution Santa Anna takes over Mexico in 1834 & becomes dictator. Some states in Mexico (including Texas) revolt in 1835. Anglos & many Tejanos in Texas wanted independence from Mexico (& annexation to U.S.) Santa Anna ordered all Americans expelled, all Texans disarmed, & all rebels arrested. Southerners rushed across border to fight.
The Alamo 189 Texans occupy a small mission in San Antonio called the Alamo Santa Anna assaults, kills all the defenders, and burns the bodies. Only survivors were 16 women & children, but the Texan defenders took 400-600 Mexican soldiers with them (1/3 of Santa Anna’s army). The Alamo becomes a legendary “last stand.”
Battle of San Jacinto Texan army, led by General Sam Houston, retreat east At San Jacinto (near city named after him) Sam Houston surprises Santa Anna & routs his army Santa Anna is captured & agrees to Treaty of Velasco in 1836 Texas gets independence Southern border of Texas is Rio Grande River But Mexico refuses to recognize treaty
Texas wants to be annexed, but Texas has slaves. Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, & Tyler don’t want to cause friction (remember Missouri Compromise) Meanwhile Texas population keeps growing – 150,000 by 1845
Henry Clay (Whig) vs. James K. Polk (Democrat) Election of 1844 Henry Clay (Whig) vs. James K. Polk (Democrat) Polk runs on expansion issue Promises to annex Oregon & Texas
Polk and Dallas Flag Polk and Dallas Flag This campaign banner celebrating the candidacy of James K. Polk and George M. Dallas on the Democratic ticket carries a subtle message conveying the party's platform. Surrounding Polk's picture are twenty-five stars, one for each state in the Union. Outside the corner box, a twenty-sixth star stands for Texas, which Polk promised to annex. (Collection of David J. and Janet L. Frent) Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Election of 1844, artist unknown An unknown artist depicted, in rich detail, the election campaign of 1844. A team of Polk supporters offers a campaign handbill to the seated voter. Passions were so high and party organization was so extensive that door-to-door politicking became the norm. (Courtesy of Nathan Liverant and Son) Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Oregon Disputed border between U.S. & British “54° 40’ or Fight” War is averted; we both agree to extension of previous border