Fisherman of the Pacific Northwest By. Holly Stribrny, Heather Hornstein, Jason Bechstein
Yurok Indians Northern California Lived in close, small communities that were each dependent on each other. Lived decently, they caught fish, hunted deer, and gathered vegetables for food Males wore leather skin pants with some occasionally wearing shirts Women wore tunics, skirts, and one piece dresses made of leather
Yurok Indians (Continued) Highly advanced Monetary system Used shells as currency Lost most of their land due to the California Gold Rush
Atsina Etzina Region (North/South Dakota) Lived in medium sized communities near the Sioux Indians, learned basic skills from Sioux, and built sturdy yet small buildings Buck skin shorts/skirts, leather vests, moccasins
Atsina (Continued) Used to live to the west of the Dakotas Moved near the Sioux Indians for protection and shelter Said to have been saved by a wolf on their way to the Dakotas
Blackfoot Montana and Alberta Large communities with well designed villages. Many different specialists in several different trades They wore leather clothes as well as modern British and French clothes with lot of ornaments.
Blackfoot (Continued) Constantly mistaken for southern Blackfoot tribes Very intelligent people that learned how to use advanced farming techniques Usually ate Salmon and lots of acorns
Chinook The Chinook tribes lived by the Columbia River and the Pacific Ocean. Many tribes even lived in Canada. Some of the tribes migrated a lot. The food that they ate mainly consisted of fish. The main type that they ate was salmon. Many tribes in the northwest ate salmon. Their houses were made of cedar plank and were long houses. They also sometimes lived in teepees and brush tents.
Chinook (Continued) They wore clothes made out of cedar, bark, and leather. The women made hats out of cedar strips and bear grass. The boys often helped the men create fishing nets attached to poles so they could catch the fish. Babies were often put in cradleboards to flatten their foreheads out. The women made hats out of cedar strips and bear grass.