2013. Order of Service Music-Eric Clapton Tears in Heaven The welcome The entry of the bride-all stand Music-Endless Love-Glee The declarations Readings.


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Presentation transcript:


Order of Service Music-Eric Clapton Tears in Heaven The welcome The entry of the bride-all stand Music-Endless Love-Glee The declarations Readings The Marriage Vows The Giving of Rings The Proclamations

Order of Service The Blessing of the Marriage The signing of the Register Prayers The Bride and Groom walk down the centre aisle together-Music-Gary Barlow/ Take That-Rule the World The cutting of the wedding cake

Song: Endless Love My love, There's only you in my life The only thing that's right My first love, You're every breath that I take You're every step I make And I (I-I-I-I-I) I want to share All my love with you No one else will do...

2: Endless Love And your eyes Your eyes, your eyes They tell me how much you care Ooh yes, you will always be My endless love Two hearts, Two hearts that beat as one Our lives have just begun Forever(Ohhhhhh) I'll hold you close in my arms I can't resist your charms

3: Endless Love And love Oh, love I'll be a fool For you, I'm sure You know I don't mind Oh, you know I don't mind Cause you, You mean the world to me Oh I know I know I've found in you My endless love

4: Endless Love Oooh, and love Oh, love I'll be that fool For you, I'm sure You know I don't mind Oh you know I don't mind And, YES You'll be the only one 'Cause NO one can deny This love I have inside And I'll give it all to you My love My love, my love My endless love

The Declarations First I am required to ask anyone present who knows a reason why these persons may not lawfully marry, declare it now. To the couple: The vows you are about to take are to be made in the presence of god, therefore if either of you knows a reason why you may not lawfully marry, you must declare it now.

The Minister: Who gives this woman to be married to this man? The Father of the bride answers: I do. ( The Father then places his daughters hand into the hand of the bridegroom) Robert -Will you take Lily to be your wife? Will you love her, comfort her, honour and protect her, and forsaking all others, be faithful unto her as long as you both shall live. He answers I will.

The Minister says to the bride: Lily- Will you take Robert to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort him, honour and protect him, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live? She answers: I will.

The Minister says to the congregation: Will you the families and friends of Robert and Lily, support and uphold them in their marriage now and in the years to come? Answer: We will. Robert and Lily I now invite you to join hands and make your vows, in the presence of God and his people here. (The bride and bridegroom face each other. The Bridegroom takes the brides right hand in his)

The bridegroom says I Robert. Take you Lily. To be my wife, to have and to hold From this day forward, for better for worse For richer for poorer In sickness and in health To love and to cherish, Till death us do part; According to Gods holy law In the presence of God I make this vow.

The bride says I Lily Take you Robert. To be my husband, to have and to hold From this day forward, for better for worse For richer for poorer In sickness and in health To love and to cherish, Till death us do part; According to Gods holy law In the presence of God I make this vow.

The giving of the rings The Minister Heavenly father, by your blessing Let these rings be to Robert and Lily A symbol of unending love and faithfulness, To remind them of the vow and covenant Which they have made this day Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

The bridegroom He places the ring on her finger. Lily I give you this ring As a sign of our marriage With my body I honour you, All that I have I give to you, And all that I have I share with you. Within the love of God, Father son and Holy Spirit.

The bride She places the ring on his finger. Robert I give you this ring As a sign of our marriage With my body I honour you, All that I have I give to you, And all that I have I share with you. Within the love of God, Father son and Holy Spirit.

The Proclamation The Minister: In the presence of god and before this congregation, Robert and Lily have given their consent and made their marriage vows to each other. They have declared their marriage by the joining of hands And by the giving of rings. I therefore proclaim that they are husband and wife.

The Minister joins their right hands together and says: Those whom God has joined together let no one put asunder. (The bride and groom may now sit) The blessing of the marriage and readings

Reading-1 Corinthians 13 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance.

Love will last forever. Now we know only a little. All that I now know is partial and incomplete. There are three things that will endure-faith, hope and love-and the greatest of these is love. I Corinthians Chapter 13 verses 4-13

I Promise by Dorothy Colgon I promise to give you the best of myself and to ask of you no more than you can give. I promise to respect you as your own person and to realise that your interests, desires and needs are no less important than my own. I promise to share with you my time and my attention and to bring joy, strength and imagination to our relationship

I Promise I promise to keep myself open to you, to let you see through the window of my world into my innermost fears and feelings, secrets and dreams. I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face changes in order to keep our relationship alive and exciting. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, with all I have to give and all I feel inside in the only way I know how. Completely and forever.

1.Rule the world-Take That You light the skies, up above me A star, so bright, you blind me, yeah Dont close your eyes Dont fade away, dont fade away- Oh Yeah you and me we can ride on a star If you stay with me girl We can rule the world- Yeah you and me we can light up the sky

2.Rule the world-Take That If you stay by my side We can rule the world- If walls break down, I will comfort you If angels cry, oh Ill be there for you You've saved my soul Dont leave me now, dont leave me now

3.Rule the world-Take That Yeah you and me we can ride on a star If you stay with me girl We can rule the world Yeah you and me, we can light up the sky If you stay by my side We can rule the world- Ooooooooh

4.Rule the world-Take That All the stars are coming out tonight They're lighting up the sky tonight For you, for you All the stars are coming out tonight Theyre lighting up the sky tonight For you, for you- Ooooooooh

5.Rule the world-Take That Yeah you and me we can ride on a star If you stay with me girl We can rule the world Yeah you and me, we can light up the sky If you stay by my side We can rule the world All the stars are coming out tonight (oooooooh) Theyre lighting up the sky tonight For you, for you-