121. (Sections 3 & 4) Biodiversity – the variety of different species Only 1.7 million species have been identified on Earth so far, but many more exist. The deep parts of the ocean may contain 10 million more!
122. Biodiversity depends on several factors: Habitat area – the larger the space, the more different organisms can live there Climate – the most diversity is near the equator where plentiful rain & warm temperatures grow lots of plants for food Diversity of niches – when a greater variety of roles are available for organisms (producer, herbivore, carnivore, etc.) then more different species will be found
123. Greatest Diversity of All: The habitat with greatest biodiversity (most species) is the tropical rain forest. The habitat next in biodiversity is a coral reef (found in warm, shallow ocean water) Insects are the organisms with the greatest biodiversity
Details provided by Hollywood are often inaccurate! At the end of the 1984 movie “Splash” the main character (Tom Hanks) swims off in New York Harbor with a mermaid. Notice the corals in the underwater shots and consider if they would be found in the North Atlantic. Remember, coral requires water that is warm all year long. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HSAXTL4RRk
124. The Value of Biodiversity: The great variety of organisms is a source of beauty and recreation (ex: bird watching) A source of food (plants & animals are eaten) A source of oxygen (forests & ocean algae) Raw materials (ex: clothes, medicine, lumber) Ecotourism earns money for many countries (ex: African safaris for tourists)
With our ever-growing world population, we may have to draw upon a more “diverse” food supply in the future! Watch this video to find out what scientists recommend… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YrmNeGPMgU
125. Diversity of the gene pool is also important Within one species there are many different traits (hair color, height, etc.) that are each controlled by a gene. All these different genes make up the gene pool A greater variety of genes in this gene pool gives a species a better chance of survival Among a diverse population there should be at least a few individuals with the right traits to adapt to changes in environment
126. Species Extinction – the disappearance of all members Extinction is a natural process, but in the last few centuries man has dramatically increased the number of extinctions! Human activities that bring about extinction are: habitat destruction (#1 cause)- buildings/roads poaching - illegal hunting pollution – toxic pesticides & industrial waste importing exotic species - that kill native ones
A few of the species that are now extinct: Passenger Pigeon Carolina Parakeet Great Auk Eastern Cougar Eastern Elk
127. U. S. Endangered Species Act of 1973 Made it illegal to import products made from endangered species Requires that we develop plans to save endangered species such as captive breeding programs (in zoos and wildlife refuges) and creation of national parks (providing protected habitat)
Laws on Exotic Pet Ownership by State (2011) Remember this news article from Ohio in 2011: http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2011/10/18/Wild-animals-loose-in-Muskingum-County.html
Exotic Animals are NOT good pets! Check out the deadly statistics at this website: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/wild/animal-intervention/interactives/exotic-animal-incidents/
Some illegal products made from Endangered Species:
View the Ten Most Endangered Species in the World 1) Ivory-billed Woodpecker http://www.allaboutwildlife.com/ten-most-endangered-animals/ivory-billed-woodpecker/ 2) Amur Leopard http://www.allaboutwildlife.com/ten-most-endangered-animals/amur-leopard/ 3) Javan Rhinoceros http://www.allaboutwildlife.com/ten-most-endangered-animals/javan-rhinoceros/ 4) Great Bamboo Lemur http://www.allaboutwildlife.com/ten-most-endangered-animals/greater-bamboo-lemur/ 5) Northern Right Whale http://www.allaboutwildlife.com/ten-most-endangered-animals/northern-right-whale/ 6) Western Lowland Gorilla http://www.allaboutwildlife.com/ten-most-endangered-animals/western-lowland-gorilla 7) Leatherback Sea Turtle http://www.allaboutwildlife.com/ten-most-endangered-animals/leatherback-sea-turtle/ 8) Tigers – in Nepal and in Russia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdQCtdUvOAs 9) Chinese Giant Salamander http://www.allaboutwildlife.com/ten-most-endangered-animals/chinese-giant-salamander/ 10) Kakapo Parrot http://www.allaboutwildlife.com/ten-most-endangered-animals/kakapo-parrot
128. Search for New Medicines American Medical Association has called for the protection of the Earth’s biodiversity so that more plants & animals can be tested for valuable chemicals they may contain Almost half of all medicines contain chemicals that came from plants and animals Ex: taxol (which treats cancer) came from the bark of the Pacific yew tree
Learn about a pioneer in the study of biodiversity: Ed Wilson http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/nature/lord-ants.html
Photo Credits Peppered Moths: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=photo+of+peppered+moths&hl=en&sa=X&biw=977&bih=508&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=hMiU7zLZzqDtXM:&imgrefurl=http://www.churchofgodtwincities.org/lit/vt/vt14/moths.htm&docid=9BEo6vgdJRYA8M&imgurl=http://www.churchofgodtwincities.org/lit/vt/vt14/p_moths.jpg&w=203&h=326&ei=xaJDT-3pCaX50gHG_Oy4Bw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=569&vpy=112&dur=3654&hovh=260&hovw=162&tx=90&ty=126&sig=106435525595997618341&page=2&tbnh=153&tbnw=101&start=9&ndsp=12&ved=0CIkBEK0DMA8 Pacific Yew: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=photo+of+pacific+yew+tree&start=272&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1024&bih=600&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=kk6szaDjr5Aw8M:&imgrefurl=http://www.forestryimages.org/browse/detail.cfm%3Fimgnum%3D1208033&docid=SsHx9Zm7EpUxGM&imgurl=http://www.forestryimages.org/images/768x512/1208033.jpg&w=512&h=768&ei=Gs5DT_nuHYr10gGHs6SLCg&zoom=1&chk=sbg&iact=rc&dur=94&sig=106435525595997618341&page=13&tbnh=133&tbnw=87&ndsp=23&ved=0CNcBEK0DMDI45gE&tx=41&ty=57