Geocache Challenge: Take the D 3 Tour
Rocky Reach Dam A 43-year license to operate Rocky Reach was issued by FERC on Feb. 19, The license contains requirements for operating the 1300 MW project, including maintaining existing parks. 50,000 + visitors each year 2
3 This program developed in 2012 to link Grand Coulee Dam (Bureau of Reclamation), Chief Joseph Dam (Army Corps of Engineers) and Rocky Reach Dam (Chelan PUD) in a collaborative activity promoting public awareness of the hidden treasures of hydropower.
In a nutshell A high-tech, educational geocaching treasure hunt to find hidden clues using GPS devices or smartphones. Hide three or four caches on public grounds and provide GPS coordinates to help them search. Visitors discover the hidden treasures of hydropower production and other facts about the role dams play in the Pacific Northwest. Get stamps from all three dams and earn a unique D 3 Challenge prize. In the first year, nearly 300 people participated at each hydro project. Geocaching info at 4
At Rocky Reach GPS units are available to borrow. Find all caches = get a stamp in D 3 Tour passport and a prize. Tour guides explain the challenge and offer instruction. 5
The passport 6
TFTDC Log Date: 5/26/2013 Guess I better log my find. So busy with the wedding and all I forgot. But I did get my coin. Thanks Rocky Reach Dam. You keep this place so beautiful and encourage us to use it by the different options you offer. Log Date: 5/26/2013 This was a great event and it was good to see so many in attendance. This is always a great park to visit and very well maintained. Thank you for your hard work and welcoming us geocachers. The coin is very nice and will make a nice addition to my collection. It was great to visit with cachers I already know and meeting new ones also. Thank you Rocky Reach Dam and congrats on the National recognition!! Log Date: 6/16/2012 Had a family picnic in the park, then went in search of the caches. Thanks for bringing geocaching to the dam. We all enjoyed the hunt. Log Date: 7/21/2013 Our son-in-law found this one for us, while our daughter and I was taking pictures of all the flowers! We have a lot of fun geocaching together - these caches were just the start of the day! More to find in the area, so off we went, but not until we collected our "prize" for finding all four! And what a nice prize it is! Thank you very much, all those involved with hiding these caches, and maintaining them! 7
The D 3 Tour Geocache Challenge was honored by the National Hydro Association with an Outstanding Stewards of Americas Waters Award (OSAW) for Public Education. 8
FWEE Hydro Challenge The D 3 Challenge has expanded into the FWEE Hydro Challenge with 13 projects. Were growing! Your organization can become a part of the FWEE Hydro Challenge. For information, visit 9