Characteristics of Life Mr. Hedrick, Mrs. Heins and Mr. Cook
What does it mean to be living? Talk to a partner and create a circle map that includes all of the aspects that you think are required to be living.
The Characteristics of Life Living things are made of cells. Anything that has life is composed of some type of cell.
The Characteristics of Life Living things are organized. How are we organized? How is a plant organized? How is that different?
The Characteristics of Life Living things use energy. What do we use for energy? What do plants use for energy?
The Characteristics of Life Living things respond to their environment. How does a plant respond to its environment?
The Characteristics of Life All living things grow. How about adults? Are they living?
The Characteristics of Life All living things reproduce (Bow chicka wow wow) How do single celled organisms reproduce?
The Characteristics of Life All living things adapt to their environment.