An introduction
Why write? Writing is a fundamental component of literacy. Writing is a means of critical inquiry; it promotes problem-solving and mastering new concepts. Adept writers can work through various ideas while producing informational, persuasive, and narrative or literary texts. In other words, writing can be used as a medium for reasoning and making intellectual connections (Colorado Dept. of Education, 2010)
How can you improve your writing skills ? - Practice, write often on different topics, for different audiences, for different purposes. - Read good writing, lots of it. - -Get frequent, specific feedback about your writing. Share what you have written with as many people as you can.
The writing process
Pre-Writing Hmmmm….. Where do I begin?
Before you begin to write, you need a topic. You also need to consider WHO you are writing for. And finally, whats the purpose of your writing – To tell a story? Defend an argument? Reveal critical thinking and reasoning skills? So knowing T.A.P. Topic Audience and Purpose are crucial before you begin to write.
The writing you do in school is usually evaluated in some way. Know how your writing is going to be graded! Is it a formative assessment? A summative assessment? Product and prep? How many points is it? When is it due? Are multiple drafts due?
Different types of writing in Freshman LA Formal Writing Stoplight paragraphs Essays with intros, bodies, conclusions such as a literary analysis Research / Informative Writing Narrative / Descriptive writing Persuasive / Argumentative writing
Different types of writing in Freshman LA Informal Writing Journals Personal response Evaluation / feedback others?
Once you know T.A.P (topic, audience, purpose) then you can begin to gather ideas. This is the first stage of the writing process, prewriting. - Lists - Outlines - Mind maps
Mind Map Whos responsible? Friar Laurence Juliet Romeo
My summer break Travels to other states: California, Utah, Nevada Travels in Colorado: Steamboat Springs, Ft. Collins, Colorado Springs Events: Concerts, ball games, family reunion and bbqs Others?
Assignment #1: Pre-assessment Topic: Your Choice Audience: Me and the rest of the people in this class Purpose: To get to know each other, to practice writing, to evaluate our own writing level, and to set some writing goals.
One paragraph – eight to ten sentences (approx.) Using the skills and knowledge you have acquired from your previous years of schooling and practice, write the best paragraph you are able to in the time allotted. This is a pre-assessment. You will receive completion credit for this paragraph. You will write one copy by hand in class, and then type the paragraph. Attach handwritten copy to typed copy.
Introduction Stop light Paragraphs
Different types of writing Expository Gives information Explains, shows, informs, or proves Has an introduction, a body and a conclusion Has reasons, transitions, and examples Narrative Tells a story Has a beginning, middle and an end Has characters, setting and a plot
Stoplight paragraphs arent for all T.A.P.s Theyre a template, a recipe, a model to give you some where to start, a structure to help you build strong paragraphs. Theyre not to be used in every single piece of writing you do. Stop light paragraphs should not be used with narrative writing. Once you learn the structure, you can create your own pattern or model. Stop light paragraphs are just the beginning to develop your own writing strengths.
A recipe for expository paragraph writing: a stop light paragraph 1 Part state your claim (GO!) 1-2 Pinches of SHOW ME! (SLOW DOWN A LITTLE) A big handful of SO WHAT? (STOP AND EXPLAIN)
Writing an expository stoplight paragraph… First: State your claim (What do you want to prove?) Next: Back it up with data/evidence (What do you have to prove it?) Then: Warrant your claim (How does your evidence support your claim?)
Green- Topic sentence starts the reader in the right direction Yellow - Slow down and give a reason, detail, or fact. Red - Stop and give an explanation, elaboration, or further example.
Prewriting – Brainstorming/ Mapping Disneyland is my favorite Rides Space/ThunderMountain Its a Small World Shows Fireworks ParadeSnowWhite
Go! State your claim! The topic sentence is the heart of your paragraph. It is an arguable statement/claim It tells the reader what to expect in that paragraph; provides a focus
A basic stop light paragraph Although Elitches and other Six Flag parks are fun, my favorite amusement park is Disneyland. First, I love the rides. Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain roller coasters make my heart race, and I like to sing along with Its a Small World. Next, I also enjoy the shows. I watch the parade and fireworks every time I visit. There is also a new Snow White show Id like to see. I love my visits to Disneyland. Although Elitches and other Six Flag parks are fun, my favorite amusement park is Disneyland. First, I love the rides. Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain roller coasters make my heart race, and I like to sing along with Its a Small World. Next, I also enjoy the shows. I watch the parade and fireworks every time I visit. There is also a new Snow White show Id like to see. I love my visits to Disneyland.
Example of Claim/Topic - Although Elitches and other Six Flag parks are a lot of fun, my favorite amusement park is Disneyland. - While many characters in Romeo and Juliet play a role in the teenagers tragic deaths, Friar Laurence is the one person who is the most responsible for their early demise.
Slow down… Pull out the tools Evidence/Data helps you shape your claim Reasons, details, facts are needed to back up your claim This can come in many forms: Direct quotes from the text Paraphrases Facts Testimonial
Example of Evidence/Data - I love the rides. …. I also enjoy the shows. … - I love the rides. …. I also enjoy the shows. … - First, Friar Laurence performs the actual wedding ceremony without the parents knowledge…. Next, FL also continues hiding the truth, even when Juliets parents are planning another wedding for her… - First, Friar Laurence performs the actual wedding ceremony without the parents knowledge…. Next, FL also continues hiding the truth, even when Juliets parents are planning another wedding for her…
Stop! You must explain… You must warrant your claim Each reason, fact or detail must be supported with an explanation, elaboration, or further evidence The Es are the meat of the paragraph, the part that really shows your reasoning.
Example of warrant - Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain roller coasters make my heart race, and I like to sing along with Its a Small World. … I watch the parade and fireworks every time I visit. There is also a new Snow White show Id like to see. - By marrying the two very young teenagers, and not telling the parents, FL is directly contributing to the events that cause their deaths; had he talked to the parents, R&J may have lived. …. Again, not talking to Juliets parents at this point, puts Juliet in a horrible situation where she must take desperate actions to avoiding having two husbands. -
Now conclude Restate, though not necessarily repeat, your claim Use key words from your topic Bring your thoughts to a close: Convince the reader of your position Challenge your reader to think further or encourage them to take action.
Example Concluding statement - I love my visits to Disneyland. - Clearly, because Friar Laurence never tells Romeo and Juliets parents about the wedding, and he performs the actual wedding ceremony, he is the most responsible adult who contributes to their deaths.
Basic stoplight format Although Elitches and other Six Flag parks are fun, my favorite amusement park is Disneyland. First, I love the rides. Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain roller coasters make my heart race, and I like to sing along with Its a Small World. Next, I also enjoy the shows. I watch the parade and fireworks every time I visit. There is also a new Snow White show Id like to see. I love my visits to Disneyland. Although Elitches and other Six Flag parks are fun, my favorite amusement park is Disneyland. First, I love the rides. Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain roller coasters make my heart race, and I like to sing along with Its a Small World. Next, I also enjoy the shows. I watch the parade and fireworks every time I visit. There is also a new Snow White show Id like to see. I love my visits to Disneyland.
Romeo and Juliet stop light paragraph - While many characters in Romeo and Juliet play a role in the teenagers tragic deaths, Friar Laurence is the one person who is the most responsible for their early demise.First, Friar Laurence performs the actual wedding ceremony without the parents knowledge. By marrying the two very young teenagers, and not telling the parents, FL is directly contributing to the events that cause their deaths; had he talked to the parents, R&J may have lived. Next, FL also continues hiding the truth, even when Juliets parents are planning another wedding for her. Again, not talking to Juliets parents at this point, puts Juliet in a horrible situation where she must take desperate actions to avoiding having two husbands. - Clearly, because Friar Laurence never tells Romeo and Juliets parents about the wedding, and he performs the actual wedding ceremony, he is the most responsible adult who contributes to their deaths. - While many characters in Romeo and Juliet play a role in the teenagers tragic deaths, Friar Laurence is the one person who is the most responsible for their early demise. First, Friar Laurence performs the actual wedding ceremony without the parents knowledge. By marrying the two very young teenagers, and not telling the parents, FL is directly contributing to the events that cause their deaths; had he talked to the parents, R&J may have lived. Next, FL also continues hiding the truth, even when Juliets parents are planning another wedding for her. Again, not talking to Juliets parents at this point, puts Juliet in a horrible situation where she must take desperate actions to avoiding having two husbands. - Clearly, because Friar Laurence never tells Romeo and Juliets parents about the wedding, and he performs the actual wedding ceremony, he is the most responsible adult who contributes to their deaths.
So… Remember… STOPLIGHT!